My administrator profile on xp recently corrupted. (It was the only user profile) Windows created a temporary replacement by default.
There were no other disk problems or data loss that I am aware of.
I created a new xp profile without any problems. When it seemed I could access all documents, etc, I deleted the temporary profile.
Now upon opening outlook, it wants to configure email, and contacts are missing - probaby just because it thinks this is a new user.
How can I locate and associate the existing contacts with this new outlook profile?
Thanks for any suggestions.
My administrator profile on xp recently corrupted. (It was the only user profile) Windows created a temporary replacement by default.
There were no other disk problems or data loss that I am aware of.
I created a new xp profile without any problems. When it seemed I could access all documents, etc, I deleted the temporary profile.
Now upon opening outlook, it wants to configure email, and contacts are missing - probaby just because it thinks this is a new user.
How can I locate and associate the existing contacts with this new outlook profile?
Thanks for any suggestions.