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Recover lost file; how 2 open OE from prior day

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Technical User
Jan 3, 2004
I once lost my contact list and someone told me I could open outlook from the previous day, but I would loose everything since. I did that it worked but I can't for the life of me remember how. Well, I did it again, I lost a file, not a common delete, just something odd happened while moving a subscriber to a file it went to another file after the move, I thought nothing of it, but then when I looked the file was gone, checked everywhere. I use windows 2000, office pro 2000, explorer V6, Outlook Express V6. Please, I need help bad, the file could cost me my job. if anyone knows how to go back a day in openning that program for God sakes, help me!

first of all
did you remember where is your store folder of your outlook express 6 (ie, in the c:\document and folder\.... folder)

look all the folder/files under "Identity" you may find something

I didn't completely understand what you meant by

"just something odd happened while moving a subscriber to a file it went to another file after the move"

are you missing a email folder or the entire profile ?

I cannot recover the dbx file. I do not need to buy software that does that. I already threw money I didn't have out the window on that and it did no good.

I want to reboot the computer to open on a previous day - before the folder (not a single message) was lost. It is the only way I will retrieve it.

Do you know how to reboot the computer to open the day before it happened? (on a prescribed day vs today)
I don;t think you can go back to the previous day if you haven't backed up your data, can you find out where you have your dbx file stored ?, it may be that you changed your lcoation and OE couldn't find it but everything still somewhere in your PC

I was talking about rolling Windows back to a previous
restore point using System Restore, a feature that comes with Windows XP and Windows ME, but is not a readily available feature in Windows 2000. But you are right about backing up the information. I would/will loose everything from the day I restored at to now. I am prepared to suffer that consequence... I just don't know how to do it in Windows 2000!

As to where the dbx file stored, that info is available under OE tools/options/maintenance. There, you can see the where it is stored. I used that link to do a search for *.dbx and the file is not there. I used DBXtract as well and could not recover/find the file itself or any file that had mysteriously renamed itself. Its just gone... So going back in time is my only option as its not a deleted file either.

I created a folder called syndicate sites, which contains all of the forms with email addresses and urls of websites that have our headline feed. We installed new software and are now going to notify everyone that has that older RSS feed to come and get the new java code where they can now select that news by three different display styles and for the first time, we've split our news headlines into categories... so those addresses are vital to me! My only other option is to put up a notice in the RSS feed stating the above and include that new link to get that code...

Shit happens, eh?
Here is my website where the headline feed is currently available in RSS format.
As you can see there's quite a variety of information flying through at feed so recovering these files is very important to me!
Only trying to help you out here, not familiar with win 2k but, sometimes, when we go to move a file, or folder, it goes into another folder in error.
Is it possible you could look in your relevant folders to see if that is the case?
Again, i could be way off here, only trying to help, again, not familiar with win 2k.
I dont think there is a system restore in 2k and that is the only way i know of to do what you are talking about.

This wont help you now, but you could install goback for the future. Its a really great prog, has bailed by butt out many times. However, goback cannot help you at this point, you cant install it now to go back and restore to a time where goback wasnt even installed, which, i am sure you already know. I mention goback because it is far superior to win xp and win me "system restore".

I hope you find what you are looking for, since its very important to you and your job.

Where do find this "goback", sounds like a good program. Thanks Garbo.
well, its pretty easy, i was one of their very first users, they even told me so!
YOu can go a google search. Goback has changed hands many many times since its original owners, small co name of wildfile Roxio just sold it so someone, i think it was norton.
But, me being a dealer, you can email me at garebo@hotmail.com. I dont like hotmail addies and i dont myself deal with people who do use them. but my isp is notorious for returning emails and no notification to me. You can try my regular kingbee@cogeco.ca if you want.
I have dual c\ship live in both Windsor Ontario Canada and Dearborn Mi 48126, basically across the street (river) from each other.
I have a US shipping addy as well so not to worry about shipping.
But I have a real good idea, so email me please.
I am gobacks best supporter. This prog is similar to system restore but way way better. IT not only does a system restore for you, but also gives you a list of files and folders that changed so you can have your cake and eat it too! You can go back to an earlier time as you need to now and have that, plus you can have any changes that occured from then to now as well, keep files, progs, folders, from in between the 2 times! In my opinion its the best prog for the money in north america. I am really in love with the prog because it has saved me from lost files, folders, and lost progs, blue screens that I couldnt fix when i was using 98SE, viruses, yes, viruses. Save me from having to start all over and re-install windows. I havent had to re-install windows since I got goback. And thats with a computer that gets 7-10 hrs use every day, 6 days a week, and then nights too. Not too shabby.
When goback first came out it was full of bugs, specially with cd burners that just came out then too. By version 3 it was a good, very good prog. At this point its, well, you get the point. I swear by it!


Quote by Axces2

"I once lost my contact list and someone told me I could open outlook from the previous day, but I would loose everything since. I did that it worked but I can't for the life of me remember how. "

Someone, somewhere has the answer for this person. I wish I did but i dont, but someone out there can help him/her. Just a matter of time, someone always comes along!

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