Jun 6, 2012 #1 rball22 MIS Jul 17, 2003 37 US Does anyone know the steps to recover a deleted voicemail message from a BCM450 r6?
Jun 6, 2012 #2 curlycord Programmer Sep 22, 2002 14,232 Toronto, Canada You cannot recover a deleted message. Once you delete and end session that's it. The idea of deleting is not needed or to make room on the hard drive for new messages. =----(((((((((()----= curlycord http://www.curlycord.com Upvote 0 Downvote
You cannot recover a deleted message. Once you delete and end session that's it. The idea of deleting is not needed or to make room on the hard drive for new messages. =----(((((((((()----= curlycord http://www.curlycord.com