I having a problem passing records sets between DCOM components. It all works fine when the components are on the same machine, but as soon as we move on onto the Apps server and the other on to the client it all stops and locks up.
The code on the client is
dim li_Ret as integer
dim lrs_Rec as new ADODB.Recordset
dim lobj_Cust as new clsCustomer
lrs_Rec.CursorLocation = adUseClient
lrs_Rec.Fields.Append "CustNo", adChar, 20
li_Ret = lobj_Cust.GetDetails( lrs_Rec )
On the Apps server the object justs adds rows into the recordset which has been passed by reference.
We have a work around at the present moment but I'd like to know why it is not working.
Thanks in Advance
I having a problem passing records sets between DCOM components. It all works fine when the components are on the same machine, but as soon as we move on onto the Apps server and the other on to the client it all stops and locks up.
The code on the client is
dim li_Ret as integer
dim lrs_Rec as new ADODB.Recordset
dim lobj_Cust as new clsCustomer
lrs_Rec.CursorLocation = adUseClient
lrs_Rec.Fields.Append "CustNo", adChar, 20
li_Ret = lobj_Cust.GetDetails( lrs_Rec )
On the Apps server the object justs adds rows into the recordset which has been passed by reference.
We have a work around at the present moment but I'd like to know why it is not working.
Thanks in Advance