I have a web site that displays items for sell by various sellers. Each seller has multiple items. The items are displayed sorted by price descending.
What I want to do is display the currently selected seller's item's first, sorted by price descending. Then following these items, I want to display ALL items from ALL remaining seller's sorted by price descending.
I tried returning a dummy variable (all zeros) and I wanted to change the value to '1' for all records of the current seller. Then sort by dummy variable DESC and price DESC. However, I can't update the recordset, so this approach won't work.
Can anyone give me any ideas on how I can achive this.
Thank you in advance.
What I want to do is display the currently selected seller's item's first, sorted by price descending. Then following these items, I want to display ALL items from ALL remaining seller's sorted by price descending.
I tried returning a dummy variable (all zeros) and I wanted to change the value to '1' for all records of the current seller. Then sort by dummy variable DESC and price DESC. However, I can't update the recordset, so this approach won't work.
Can anyone give me any ideas on how I can achive this.
Thank you in advance.