I am trying to create a Recordset from a query. The query has a reference to [Forms]![FrmAvalibleAccountNumbersNext]![txtAccountNumber]
“txtAccountNumber” is an unbound control on the Form.
If the Query is run from design view it works no problem (“FrmAvalibleAccountNumbersNext” is open when the query runs).
When trying to create the Recordset the code fails. All error messages are indicating that the problem is with the reference to the unbound control “txtAccountNumber”
I have tried various ways to create the Recordset, the latest in ADO, code as follows;
Dim LocalConnection As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Set LocalConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "QryCheckForAccountNumber", LocalConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
SQL for query “QryCheckForAccountNumber” cut from design view
SELECT [QrySalesEnquiries&CustomerSorted].TblSalesEnquiries.[Customer Account Number]
FROM [QrySalesEnquiries&CustomerSorted]
GROUP BY [QrySalesEnquiries&CustomerSorted].TblSalesEnquiries.[Customer Account Number]
HAVING ((([QrySalesEnquiries&CustomerSorted].TblSalesEnquiries.[Customer Account Number]) Like [Forms]![FrmAvalibleAccountNumbersNext]![txtAccountNumber]));
What’s the answer? Can anyone help please?
“txtAccountNumber” is an unbound control on the Form.
If the Query is run from design view it works no problem (“FrmAvalibleAccountNumbersNext” is open when the query runs).
When trying to create the Recordset the code fails. All error messages are indicating that the problem is with the reference to the unbound control “txtAccountNumber”
I have tried various ways to create the Recordset, the latest in ADO, code as follows;
Dim LocalConnection As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Set LocalConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "QryCheckForAccountNumber", LocalConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
SQL for query “QryCheckForAccountNumber” cut from design view
SELECT [QrySalesEnquiries&CustomerSorted].TblSalesEnquiries.[Customer Account Number]
FROM [QrySalesEnquiries&CustomerSorted]
GROUP BY [QrySalesEnquiries&CustomerSorted].TblSalesEnquiries.[Customer Account Number]
HAVING ((([QrySalesEnquiries&CustomerSorted].TblSalesEnquiries.[Customer Account Number]) Like [Forms]![FrmAvalibleAccountNumbersNext]![txtAccountNumber]));
What’s the answer? Can anyone help please?