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Recordset not allowing the display of all rows

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Jan 15, 2004
I am accessing a SQL Server database via SQL select statement. the query works fine, no problems there. What happens is, i open the recordset and then open other recordsets while i'm looping through this one. I have a close after i am done with every recordset.

I get this error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005' 
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]SQL Server does not exist or access denied. 

/vntgsf/GPTSQL/FreightReport.asp, line 147

The line that it happens on is not always this line #. It shows a different line number everytime where the second recordset gets opened. I have no idea what is wrong and am not really sure how to explain it, but it loops through 661 records and then pops out this error. i looked at record 662 and there is nothing wrong with it. Can anyone help.

David Kuhn
I think we need to see some code where you make the connection, and where you are outputting the info.
Here is the whole asp page. Please help
  intPageSecurity = 1 'User
  Timeout = Server.ScriptTimeout
  Server.ScriptTimeout = 270
<!-- #include file="includes/connection_string.inc" -->
<!-- #include file="includes/company.inc" -->
<!-- #include file="includes/Functions.inc" -->
  set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  set rst = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
<!-- #include file="includes/Security.inc" -->
<!-- #include file="includes/checkSSISexec.inc" -->

  <title>Freight Report - Global Point</title>
  <script language="JavaScript" src="../javascript/date-picker.js"></script>
  <script language="javascript" TYPE="text/javascript">
    function CancelPage() {

    function ChangeDelDate() {
      document.myForm.CalcDelDate.value = FormatDate(Date(document.myForm.ConsolidationDate.value) + 42,"M/d/YYYY")

  If bSecValid = False Then
    'Display that they do not have authorization.
    Response.Write("You are not authorized to view this page!<br>")
    Response.Write("Please go <a href='javascript:history.back()'>BACK</a>")    

    'Quit page
  End If

'-----------Include all previous code in every page----------

'---------------------------Show Freight---------------------------

Response.Write("<form name='myForm' method=POST action='FreightReport.asp'>")
Response.Write("<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>")
  strSQL = "SELECT POH.Company,POH.PONum,POD.POLine,POR.PORelNum,Par.PartNum,PT.RevisionNum,Max(POR.RelQty) as RelQty,Max(POH.OrderDate) as OrderDate,Max(POD.UnitCost) as UnitCost,POR.OpenRelease " & _
           "FROM vPOHeader as POH INNER JOIN vPODetail as POD On POH.PONum = POD.PONum " & _
               "INNER JOIN vPORel as POR On (POD.PONum = POR.PONum And POD.POLine = POR.POLine) " & _
               "INNER JOIN vPart as Par On (POD.PartNum = Par.PartNum) " & _
               "LEFT JOIN vPartTran as PT On Par.PartNum = PT.PartNum " & _
           "GROUP BY POH.Company,POH.PONum,POD.POLine,POR.PORelNum,Par.PartNum,PT.RevisionNum,POR.OpenRelease " & _
           "HAVING POR.OpenRelease = 1 And POH.Company = '" & lcCompany & "'"
  'response.Write(strSQL & "<br>")
  rs.Open strSQL,conn

    Response.Write("<th>Freight ID</th>")
    Response.Write("<th>PO #</th>")
    Response.Write("<th>PO<br>Line #</th>")
    Response.Write("<th>PO<br>Rel #</th>")
    Response.Write("<th>Part #</th>")
    Response.Write("<th>Rev. #</th>")
    Response.Write("<th>Rel Qty</th>")
    Response.Write("<th>Order Date</th>")
    Response.Write("<th>Unit Value</th>")
    Response.Write("<th>Ext Value</th>")
    Response.Write("<th>Amt. Conf.</th>")
    Response.Write("<th>PO Rel<br>Status</th>")
    Response.Write("<th>PO Rel<br>Type</th>")
    Response.Write("<th># Of<br>Cartons</th>")
    Response.Write("<th>Total m3</th>")
    Response.Write("<th>Total kg</th>")
  Do While rs.EOF = False
    'Check to see if the PO release is on BOL
    strSQL = "SELECT Qty FROM BOLDetail WHERE PONum=" & Trim(rs.Fields("PONum")) & " And POLineNum=" & Trim(rs.Fields("POLine")) & " And PORelNum=" & Trim(rs.Fields("PORelNum"))
    rst.Open strSQL,conn
    'If it is check to see if the RelQty is the same as the BOLQty
    if rst.EOF = True Then
      'Response.write("No Detail Info")
      'bLineExists = "False"
      intReportQty = CLng(Trim(rs.Fields("RelQty")))
      If CLng(Trim(rst.Fields("Qty"))) < CLng(Trim(rs.Fields("RelQty"))) Then
        intReportQty = CLng(Trim(rs.Fields("RelQty"))) - CLng(Trim(rst.Fields("Qty")))
        'This line should not be in the report, move to the next record
        bLineExists = "False"
      End If
    End If
    'Close the temporary recordset
    strPONum = Trim(rs.Fields("PONum"))
    strPOLine = Trim(rs.Fields("POLine"))
    strPORelNum = Trim(rs.Fields("PORelNum"))
    strPartNum = Trim(rs.Fields("PartNum"))
    strRevisionNum = Trim(rs.Fields("RevisionNum"))
    strOrderDate = Trim(rs.Fields("OrderDate"))
    strUnitValue = Trim(rs.Fields("UnitCost"))

    If bLineExists <> "False" Then
      'Get the rest of the data
      'Group by the PONum for report
      'Find out if this record has a matching record in FreightReport table
      If strRevisionNum <> "" Then
        strSQL = "SELECT FreightReportID,StdPackQty,StdPackWeight,StdPackM3,DelivDateConf,QtyConfirmed,QtyConfirmation,ShipMethod,ConfirmedShipDate,RevisedShipDate,PORelStatus,PORelType,ConsolidationDate,DepartPort,CalcDelDate FROM FreightReport WHERE PONum=" & Trim(rs.Fields("PONum")) & " And POLineNum=" & Trim(rs.Fields("POLine")) & " And PORelNum=" & Trim(rs.Fields("PORelNum")) & " And RevisionNum='" & strRevisionNum & "'"
        strSQL = "SELECT FreightReportID,StdPackQty,StdPackWeight,StdPackM3,DelivDateConf,QtyConfirmed,QtyConfirmation,ShipMethod,ConfirmedShipDate,RevisedShipDate,PORelStatus,PORelType,ConsolidationDate,DepartPort,CalcDelDate FROM FreightReport WHERE PONum=" & Trim(rs.Fields("PONum")) & " And POLineNum=" & Trim(rs.Fields("POLine")) & " And PORelNum=" & Trim(rs.Fields("PORelNum"))
      End If
      rst.Open strSQL,conn
      If rst.EOF = True Then
        'If it doesn't, get the data to fill this in with the standards
        strSQL = "SELECT StdPackQty,StdShipMethod,StdPackWeight,DepPortID,StdPackM3 " & _
                 "FROM PartDetail " & _
                 "WHERE PartNum='" & strPartNum & "'"
        rst.Open strSQL,conn

        If rst.EOF = False Then
          'Put std data into variables
          strShipMethod = Trim(rst.Fields("StdShipMethod"))
          strDepartPort = Trim(rst.Fields("DepPortID"))
          strStdPackQty = Trim(rst.Fields("StdPackQty"))
          strStdPackWeight = Trim(rst.Fields("StdPackWeight"))
          strStdPackM3 = Trim(rst.Fields("StdPackM3"))
        End If
        bIsNewRec = "True"
        strFreightReportID = ""
        strDelivDateConf = "N"
        strQtyConfirmed = "N"
        strQtyConfirmation = "0"
        strConfirmedShipDate = ""
        strRevisedShipDate = ""
        strPORelStatus = ""
        strPORelType = ""
        strConsolidationDate = ""
        strCalcDelDate = ""
        'Put data into variables
        strFreightReportID = Trim(rst.Fields("FreightReportID"))
        strDelivDateConf = Trim(rst.Fields("DelivDateConf"))
        strQtyConfirmed = Trim(rst.Fields("QtyConfirmed"))
        strQtyConfirmation = Trim(rst.Fields("QtyConfirmation"))
        strShipMethod = Trim(rst.Fields("ShipMethod"))
        strConfirmedShipDate = IIf(Trim(rst.Fields("ConfirmedShipDate"))="1/1/1900","",Trim(rst.Fields("ConfirmedShipDate")))
        strRevisedShipDate = IIf(Trim(rst.Fields("RevisedShipDate"))="1/1/1900","",Trim(rst.Fields("RevisedShipDate")))
        If strRevisedShipDate = "" Then
          strRevisedShipDate = strConfirmedShipDate
        End If
        strPORelStatus = Trim(rst.Fields("PORelStatus"))
        strPORelType = Trim(rst.Fields("PORelType"))
        strConsolidationDate = IIf(Trim(rst.Fields("ConsolidationDate"))="1/1/1900","",Trim(rst.Fields("ConsolidationDate")))
        strDepartPort = Trim(rst.Fields("DepartPort"))
        If strConsolidationDate <> "" Then
          strCalcDelDate = DateDiff("d", 42, CDate(strConsolidationDate))
          strCalcDelDate = ""
        End If
        strStdPackQty = Trim(rst.Fields("StdPackQty"))
        strStdPackWeight = Trim(rst.Fields("StdPackWeight"))
        strStdPackM3 = Trim(rst.Fields("StdPackM3"))
        bIsNewRec ="False"
      End If


      If strPORelStatus <> "" Then
        strSQL = "SELECT PORelStatus FROM PORelStatusList WHERE PORelStatusID=" & strPORelStatus
        rst.Open strSQL,conn
        If rst.EOF = False Then
          intPORelStatus = strPORelStatus
          strPORelStatus = Trim(rst.Fields("PORelStatus"))
          strPORelStatus = ""
        End If
      End If

      If strPORelType <> "" Then
        strSQL = "SELECT PORelType FROM PORelTypeList WHERE PORelTypeID=" & strPORelType
        rst.Open strSQL,conn
        If rst.EOF = False Then
          intPORelType = strPORelType
          strPORelType = Trim(rst.Fields("PORelType"))
          strPORelType = ""
        End If
      End If
      If strShipMethod <> "" Then
        strSQL = "SELECT ShipMethod FROM ShipMethodList WHERE ShipMethodID=" & strShipMethod
        rst.Open strSQL,conn
        If rst.EOF = False Then
          intShipMethod = strShipMethod
          strShipMethod = Trim(rst.Fields("ShipMethod"))
          strShipMethod = ""
        End If
      End If 

      If strDepartPort <> "" Then
        strSQL = "SELECT DepPort FROM DeparturePortList WHERE DepPortID=" & strDepartPort
        rst.Open strSQL,conn
        If rst.EOF = False Then
          intDepartPort = strDepartPort
          strDepartPort = Trim(rst.Fields("DepPort"))
          strDepartPort = ""
        End If
      End If    

      If bIsNewRec = "True" Then
        strSQL = "INSERT INTO FreightReport (" & _
                 "PONum," & _
                 "POLineNum," & _
                 "PORelNum," & _
                 "RevisionNum," & _
                 "DelivDateConf," & _
                 "QtyConfirmed," & _
                 "QtyConfirmation," & _
                 "ShipMethod," & _
                 "ConfirmedShipDate," & _
                 "RevisedShipDate," & _
                 "PORelStatus," & _
                 "PORelType," & _
                 "StdPackQty," & _
                 "StdPackWeight," & _
                 "StdPackM3," & _
                 "ConsolidationDate," & _
                 "CalcDelDate," & _
                 "DepartPort" & _
                 ") VALUES (" & _
                 strPONum & "," & _
                 strPOLine & "," & _
                 strPORelNum & ",'" & _
                 strRevisionNum & "','" & _
                 strDelivDateConf & "','" & _
                 strQtyConfirmed & "'," & _
                 strQtyConfirmation & "," & _
                 IIf(intShipMethod="",0,intShipMethod) & ",'" & _
                 strConfirmedShipDate & "','" & _
                 strRevisedShipDate & "'," & _
                 IIf(intPORelStatus="",0,intPORelStatus) & "," & _
                 IIf(intPORelType="",0,intPORelType) & "," & _
                 IIf(strStdPackQty="",0,strStdPackQty) & "," & _
                 IIf(strStdPackWeight="",0,strStdPackWeight) & "," & _
                 IIf(strStdPackM3="",0,strStdPackM3) & ",'" & _
                 strConsolidationDate & "','" & _
                 strCalcDelDate & "'," & _
                 IIf(intDepartPort="",0,intDepartPort) & _
        strSQL = "SELECT Max(FreightReportID) as FreightID FROM FreightReport"
        rst.Open strSQL,conn
        If rst.EOF = False Then
          strFreightReportID = Trim(rst.Fields("FreightID"))
        End If
      End If

      'Put in the records from SQL Server
      'If it's a new record, change the background so they know to change it.
      If strConfirmedShipDate = "" Then
        Response.Write("<tr bgcolor='FFFFCC'>")
        Response.Write("<tr bgcolor='FFFFFF'>")
      End If

        Response.Write("<td>" & strFreightReportID & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & strPONum & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & strPOLine & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & strPORelNum & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & strPartNum & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & strRevisionNum & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & intReportQty & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & strOrderDate & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & strUnitValue & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & CDbl(strUnitValue) * intReportQty & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & strDelivDateConf & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & strQtyConfirmed & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & IIf(strQtyConfirmation="0","",strQtyConfirmation) & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & strShipMethod & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & strConfirmedShipDate & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & strRevisedShipDate & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & strPORelStatus & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & strPORelType & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & IIf(strStdPackQty="0","",strStdPackQty) & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & IIf(strStdPackm3="0","",strStdPackm3) & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & IIf(strStdPackWeight="0","",strStdPackWeight) & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & strConsolidationDate & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & strCalcDelDate & "</td>")
        Response.Write("<td>" & strDepartPort & "</td>")
    End If

<!-- #include file="includes/bottomtoolbar.inc" -->

David Kuhn
once bLineExists is set to false it never gets unset.
I don't really know how that would have anything to do with the error i'm getting. It does not affect the loop. I changed it so that this gets reset, and it still didn't work.

David Kuhn
i would suggest you to break down the whole code into pieces and start inserting response.write statements to see if you are getting the expected values...

What i finally did is make them use pages. I get the first 100 records, then the next 100.This stopped the error from coming

David Kuhn
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Part and Inventory Search

