Hi all,
I am running Office 2003 Pro with Windows7-64. I have the following code fragment:
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblOffices")
If rst.RecordCount <= 0 Then Exit Function
rst.MoveLast: rst.MoveFirst
Do While Not rst.EOF And Not rst.BOF
Debug.Print rst!officename
My question is why the field officename in the debug line is not properly formatted (i.e. OfficeName) as it is named in the domain table tblOffices?. BTW, the records are listed correctly. Any help is greatly appriciated.
I am running Office 2003 Pro with Windows7-64. I have the following code fragment:
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblOffices")
If rst.RecordCount <= 0 Then Exit Function
rst.MoveLast: rst.MoveFirst
Do While Not rst.EOF And Not rst.BOF
Debug.Print rst!officename
My question is why the field officename in the debug line is not properly formatted (i.e. OfficeName) as it is named in the domain table tblOffices?. BTW, the records are listed correctly. Any help is greatly appriciated.