I have an recordset(rs) on main form which I'm showing in the textboxes of main form. In the subform, I have(I show) a table with part_num field which is corresponding to part_num field of the recordset rs of the main form. Now, when user will click on some field of the subform, I want to show corresponding record of the recordset on main form. Main form and subform are not related.
I knew, it will be complicated!
Are you really creating ADO or DAO recordsets or are your form and subform bound to Record Source queries or SQL statements.
Is your subform displaying continuous records while your main form is showing a single record?
Duane MS Access MVP
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I'm using Ado recordset. Main form is unbound and shows single record from recordset(rs). Subform is bounded to a table and display cont. records(looks like a spreadsheet and shows all records of the table). There is no link(parent - child) between main and subform.
Why not bind the main form rather than using an ADO recordset? Do you need to edit records in the main form or just display them?
Duane MS Access MVP
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Duane MS Access MVP
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but my main for does not have a recordsource and textboxes are unbound.
Me.texbox.Value = rs("part_num") - this is how I'm using texboxes on this form, so in order to change value of the textbox I have to move to right record in recordset.
rs.findfirst is popping up error message: "object required".
Why I choose to go unbound? I'm beginner in Access and I thought I will have more flexibility with unbound form, as my tables have different fields but forms similar functions.
Can you post the code where you set you recordset and where you are trying to use the findfirst?
I am kind of curious how you have different tables with different fields using the same form. Obviously this can be done unbound, but logically this seems strange. I would assume that these tables are logically very similar, if you are displaying them in a similar fashion. I am wondering if your data is normalized. Can you explain these different tables?
Public CN As New ADODB.Connection
Public rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set CN = CurrentProject.Connection
rs.Open "select * from INVT_MAIN", CN, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
End Sub
For ex. tables customers and vendors are very much alike so with small modification I can use one form to show them both. Also, with recorset I can use field numbers not names, read different tables and show them in this same textboxes.
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