Hi eyal,<br>Write the select statement "select count(*) from table_name". and crete a recordset object with this statement. <br>This will give the count of records in the data base table.<br> or else<br>create a record set with the cursor type other than forward-only type. Use the select statement to access all the values from the table and use the recordset's recordcount property to get the no of records. If the value u got is -1, it means that the provider used to access the data base is not supporting the recordcount property. In this case you can use the earlier methid.<br><br>I can give you the code if you want
Hi,<br>First, thanks for your reply, since I'm new to ASP I'll appreciate you sending me the code so I can implement it in my code.<br>Thanks again,<br>Eyal
Hi,<br>Write the following code in the asp page.<br><%<br>set objconn = server.createobject("adodb.connection"<br>objconn.open "dsn=testdsn;uid=sa;pwd=;"<br>set objrec = server.createobject("adodb.recordset"<br>objrec.cursortype = adopenkeyset<br>strsql = "select * from table1"<br>objrec.open strsql,objconn<br>reccount = objrec.recordcount<br>response.write "No of records in the table=" & reccount & "<br>"<br>objrec.close<br>set objrec = nothing<br>objconn.close<br>set objrec = nothing<br>%><br><br>Before excuting this code create a system DSN. Follow these steps to create one.<br>From start --> settings --> control panel --> odbc data sources --> select System DSN<br>--> click add --> select the driver --> give DSN name as testdsn --> advanced button --> userid = sa and password keep empty --> select the data base --> click OK.<br>The steps to create a DSN will be different for different data bases. The above ones are for Access database.
Hi eyal,<br>here is the alternate code<br><%<br>set objconn = server.createobject("adodb.connection"<br>objconn.open "dsn=testdsn;uid=sa;pwd=;"<br>set objrec = server.createobject("adodb.recordset"<br>strsql = "select count(*) from table1"<br>objrec.open strsql,objconn<br>reccount = objrec(0)<br>response.write "No of records in the table=" & reccount & "<br>"<br>objrec.close<br>set objrec = nothing<br>objconn.close<br>set objrec = nothing<br>%>
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