Bit of a brainwave today - I needed some short application wav files to replace the ones it uses. I wasn't going to record my voice - and I couldn't find any suitable free sound clips. Then I thought - I'll record some output from text to speech - simples - no?
In XP it was, but in windows 7 how? I have enabled Stereo Mix, but still no joy.
O/S is Windows 7 and mobo is Asus P7P55D-E, onboard VIA sound using drivers from ASUS.
I see this is a common problem but none of the tips I read worked. Any suggestions appreciated.
In XP it was, but in windows 7 how? I have enabled Stereo Mix, but still no joy.
O/S is Windows 7 and mobo is Asus P7P55D-E, onboard VIA sound using drivers from ASUS.
I see this is a common problem but none of the tips I read worked. Any suggestions appreciated.