I have a nested Do Unil loop and an interior loop for table defs. I am basically comparing 2 lists and updating a list when the linking fields are the same and a criteria is met. It works as far as making an update. The problem is it only does the 1st record in the loop, so I believe it has something to do with the nesting of loops. When I put breakpoints I can see it go from the 1st loop, then immediately into the 2nd loop and then test the table defs and make the update. But it only does it once as the breakpoint then goes back to the first loop as it should but does not go into the 2nd loop ever again. Any help would be appreciated
Here is the code
Dim strTemp As String
Dim strTemp2 As String
Dim strTemp3 As DAO.Field
Dim STRsql As String
Dim strTempALL As String
Dim hyp As Hyperlink
Dim QueryName As String
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim CUI As Double
Dim CLN As Double
Dim cwre As String
Dim tdf2 As DAO.TableDef
Dim fld2 As DAO.Field
Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset("Temp_exp_client")
Set re = db.OpenRecordset("qryRisk")
Set tdf2 = db.TableDefs("temp_exp_client")
Do Until re.EOF
cwre = re!cw_risk_exposure
CUI = re![client UID]
Debug.Print "cwre = " & cwre
Debug.Print "cui = " & CUI
Do Until rs2.EOF
CLN = rs2!cln_client_ID
Debug.Print "CLN = " & CLN
If CUI = CLN Then
For Each fld2 In tdf2.Fields
strTemp = fld2.Name
strTemp2 = "RS2!" & strTemp
Debug.Print strTemp2
If cwre = strTemp Then
Debug.Print "fldName = " & strTemp
rs2.Fields(strTemp) = -1
End If
Next fld2
End If
Here is the code
Dim strTemp As String
Dim strTemp2 As String
Dim strTemp3 As DAO.Field
Dim STRsql As String
Dim strTempALL As String
Dim hyp As Hyperlink
Dim QueryName As String
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim CUI As Double
Dim CLN As Double
Dim cwre As String
Dim tdf2 As DAO.TableDef
Dim fld2 As DAO.Field
Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset("Temp_exp_client")
Set re = db.OpenRecordset("qryRisk")
Set tdf2 = db.TableDefs("temp_exp_client")
Do Until re.EOF
cwre = re!cw_risk_exposure
CUI = re![client UID]
Debug.Print "cwre = " & cwre
Debug.Print "cui = " & CUI
Do Until rs2.EOF
CLN = rs2!cln_client_ID
Debug.Print "CLN = " & CLN
If CUI = CLN Then
For Each fld2 In tdf2.Fields
strTemp = fld2.Name
strTemp2 = "RS2!" & strTemp
Debug.Print strTemp2
If cwre = strTemp Then
Debug.Print "fldName = " & strTemp
rs2.Fields(strTemp) = -1
End If
Next fld2
End If