CR v9
I have a report that requires the user enter the
location(s) for the search criteria. The parameter field is a pick list in which the user can select multiple locations, the problem is when I execute the report, crystal is expecting an array for the locations. How do I write my selection criteria to allow for one or more values for a parameter field?
For instance:
if the user selects L.A. and N.Y, how do I set this up in my record selection formula?
I have a report that requires the user enter the
location(s) for the search criteria. The parameter field is a pick list in which the user can select multiple locations, the problem is when I execute the report, crystal is expecting an array for the locations. How do I write my selection criteria to allow for one or more values for a parameter field?
For instance:
if the user selects L.A. and N.Y, how do I set this up in my record selection formula?