Using Crystal 10. I've got a report with 4 sub reports. My Record Selection for one is as follows:
({HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Submitter Primary Group}={?Pm-@Work Group} and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Create Date}=lastfullmonth) or
({HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Assigned to Group}={?Pm-@Work Group} and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Ticket Closed Time}=lastfullmonth) or
({HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Closer Primary Group}={?Pm-@Work Group} and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Ticket Closed Time}=lastfullmonth) or
({HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Resolver Primary Group}= {?Pm-@Work Group} and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Ticket Resolved Time}=lastfullmonth)and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Core Status}<>"Cancel"
I receive the below results with this record selection:
11 tickets submitted
18 tickets resolved
16 tickets closed
HOWEVER, if I change it and move "Closer Primary Group" to the first spot I get the following results:
({HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Closer Primary Group}={?Pm-@Work Group} and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Ticket Closed Time}=lastfullmonth) or
({HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Submitter Primary Group}={?Pm-@Work Group} and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Create Date}=lastfullmonth) or
({HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Assigned to Group}={?Pm-@Work Group} and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Ticket Closed Time}=lastfullmonth) or
({HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Resolver Primary Group}= {?Pm-@Work Group} and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Ticket Resolved Time}=lastfullmonth)and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Core Status}<>"Cancel"
11 tickets submitted
21 tickets resolved
22 tickets closed
Why do the #s change? My goal is to pull back tickets based on a particular work group that they submitted, resolved, or closed each month.
({HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Submitter Primary Group}={?Pm-@Work Group} and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Create Date}=lastfullmonth) or
({HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Assigned to Group}={?Pm-@Work Group} and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Ticket Closed Time}=lastfullmonth) or
({HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Closer Primary Group}={?Pm-@Work Group} and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Ticket Closed Time}=lastfullmonth) or
({HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Resolver Primary Group}= {?Pm-@Work Group} and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Ticket Resolved Time}=lastfullmonth)and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Core Status}<>"Cancel"
I receive the below results with this record selection:
11 tickets submitted
18 tickets resolved
16 tickets closed
HOWEVER, if I change it and move "Closer Primary Group" to the first spot I get the following results:
({HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Closer Primary Group}={?Pm-@Work Group} and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Ticket Closed Time}=lastfullmonth) or
({HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Submitter Primary Group}={?Pm-@Work Group} and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Create Date}=lastfullmonth) or
({HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Assigned to Group}={?Pm-@Work Group} and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Ticket Closed Time}=lastfullmonth) or
({HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Resolver Primary Group}= {?Pm-@Work Group} and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Ticket Resolved Time}=lastfullmonth)and
{HIS_MOD_TRB_Trouble.Core Status}<>"Cancel"
11 tickets submitted
21 tickets resolved
22 tickets closed
Why do the #s change? My goal is to pull back tickets based on a particular work group that they submitted, resolved, or closed each month.