I have multiple records in a group. Each record has a unique sequence no. I need to pass the highest sequence no. using a shared var to my main rpt to perform a calc on the main rpt.
invno seqno price date time
7601 1 $150 06/17/02 12:00
7601 2 $500 06/17/02 12:05
7601 3 $600 06/17/02 12:05
etc etc etc etc etc
I need the record with the highest seqno.
invno seqno price date time
7601 1 $150 06/17/02 12:00
7601 2 $500 06/17/02 12:05
7601 3 $600 06/17/02 12:05
etc etc etc etc etc
I need the record with the highest seqno.