I have 4 tables. 3 of which relate. The 4th is a table of default comments. I am using crxi with oracle tables.
The main table has idnum, subnum, commentflag...
The usercomments are in a separate table but linked to the main table. The default comments are not linked at all.
I need to print the following on my report.
IdNum, SubNum, Comments
If an idNum doesn't have any usercomments (commentflag isn't checked), then I am supposed to print standard comments but only the ones with an id of 999
I am trying to figure out how to write a formula that says if the commentflag is check, print the usercomments from the usercomment table else if the comment flag is not checked then print only the default comment with an id of 999.
I created a text box and have this formula.
I think I'm close but the problem is where I have and {COMMENTREF.ID} = 999
What I need to say is if {PARKNPLAN.COMMENT_FLAG} = 'n' then print only the comment for {COMMENTREF.ID} = 999
Any ideas?
The main table has idnum, subnum, commentflag...
The usercomments are in a separate table but linked to the main table. The default comments are not linked at all.
I need to print the following on my report.
IdNum, SubNum, Comments
If an idNum doesn't have any usercomments (commentflag isn't checked), then I am supposed to print standard comments but only the ones with an id of 999
I am trying to figure out how to write a formula that says if the commentflag is check, print the usercomments from the usercomment table else if the comment flag is not checked then print only the default comment with an id of 999.
I created a text box and have this formula.
else if {PARKNPLAN.COMMENT_FLAG} = 'n' and {COMMENTREF.ID} = 999 then
I think I'm close but the problem is where I have and {COMMENTREF.ID} = 999
What I need to say is if {PARKNPLAN.COMMENT_FLAG} = 'n' then print only the comment for {COMMENTREF.ID} = 999
Any ideas?