Hi. I have a user using GroupWise 5.5.4 on Windows 98. Everytime she does a Hit The Road, she gets a "GroupWise had an error processing the response to a request. Record not found." error. I have read on Novell's site that this is caused by a corrupt message and the way to fix this is to limit the dates that you select to download so you can then narrow down the date range that contains the corrupt message and then archive each message in that range until you encounster an error. You can then delete the faulty message. What's really strange is that I can select to only get messages from 1 day before, not select anything other than her messages -- no folders, calendar, documents, NOTHING other than messages from 1 day back and I still get the message. I don't think that the corrupt message is only one day old because she has been receiving this message for several months now. I have run every maintenance that I know of (Structural Rebuild, Analyze/Fix, etc...)and I never get any uncorrectable conditions. Does anyone know what I can do to solve this problem? This is one of my heaviest users, she has thousands of messages and is very particular about them. Thanks.