We are using Progression 7.6.400 and MS SQL 2000 SP3A. We seem to continue to encounter alot of Record Locks when our production users are entering production. I have noted one issue with a Record Lock seems to be tied when our Materials Manager is using a module in the IM applet and it seems to leave a hook open into the item even after he closes that module, I then note that once a Record lock is encountered that if I log him off of Macola it clears.
Does anyone else run into record locks while entering production? I was wondering if anyone had any input on why these occur and thought the using MS SQL we would not encounter them.
Lastly I was wondering if there is anyway to see which users are locked on the same record? Is there any Query you could run that would show you which 2 users have locked?
Does anyone else run into record locks while entering production? I was wondering if anyone had any input on why these occur and thought the using MS SQL we would not encounter them.
Lastly I was wondering if there is anyway to see which users are locked on the same record? Is there any Query you could run that would show you which 2 users have locked?