Here's the senario: I have a total of 100 records, each containing a different numeric integer from 1 to 100. I would like to group them in groups of 10 records and display them all on the screen. Each column of 10 records side-by-side like a speadsheet.
It gets worse, I need each column of 10 records sorted separately in ascending order independent of the other columns.
I've trid "Grids" and "Data Access Pages" in avail.
Any ideas???
P.S. I've searched the Tek-Tip screens and can't figure out how to respond via email to those replying to my Threads to thank them. How's it done? I do, however, respond with the "mark this post as a helpful/expert!"
Ed "Hiccup" Hicks
It gets worse, I need each column of 10 records sorted separately in ascending order independent of the other columns.
I've trid "Grids" and "Data Access Pages" in avail.
Any ideas???
P.S. I've searched the Tek-Tip screens and can't figure out how to respond via email to those replying to my Threads to thank them. How's it done? I do, however, respond with the "mark this post as a helpful/expert!"
Ed "Hiccup" Hicks