Record/copy all outgoing mail from a domain.
Hi, If we'd like to record all incoming/outgoing email from all account in a domain, incoming we just forward to any email account.
Now the question is, how to record all outgoing mail, so that management convice to his employees not sending out any unrelated material.
Yes, this discussion is related with but this case without using particular server such Exchange 5.0, but if using any server.
Please advice.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Hi, If we'd like to record all incoming/outgoing email from all account in a domain, incoming we just forward to any email account.
Now the question is, how to record all outgoing mail, so that management convice to his employees not sending out any unrelated material.
Yes, this discussion is related with but this case without using particular server such Exchange 5.0, but if using any server.
Please advice.
Thank you very much for your attention.