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Recommendations for coverage? 2

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Jun 14, 2001
First let me say thanks to all the experts here. Thanks to the excellent posts I have managed to get our new (to us) Merlin Magix (R4) set up with Merlin Messaging v4.0.

Coming from a Rolm system it was a bit of a switch (no pun intended).

The last issues we have is with call coverage. With the Rolm and true ACDs it was pretty easy to do what we needed but now I’m not even sure if it’s possible so was hoping for some expert guidance.

A little background… we have 5 DID lines and 6 regular POTS lines connected to two 412’s. The DID’s are matched to all extensions (~15) and so that everyone has personal VM all are in coverage group 30 which is covered by calling group 7929 (voice mail group). This all works perfectly. Our local calling numbers are all coming in on the POTS lines. However our 800 numbers are routed in through a DID number (9086) at the provider. To have our customer service team receive the 800 calls I renumbered a calling group to 9086 and added the team’s extensions as members.

I made the group “auto log off” as per one of merlinman’s excellent posts and also set up the overflow to go to the voicemail group (7929). For night coverage to VM for the 800 numbers I created a VM box for ext. 9086 and had it show message notifications on one of the group’s phone. This allows calls made to the 800 numbers to go to a central mailbox and the individual’s in the group can still get personal voice mails after hours if the originating call was to their personal ext. (DID)

This all works great but we need to make sure that during the day calls not answered by the customer service team get picked up by either the operator or another calling group instead of going to voicemail. It seems that you can only overflow to one calling group.

So my question is, what would be the best way to accomplish this. We do not want to lose the ability for individuals to have voice mail and we don’t want to lose the system that we have in place to route 800 number calls to 9086’s voicemail after hours.

I looked into night service but it appears that you cannot add DID lines to the night service.

Any and all suggestions would be appreciated much!

Thanks in advance…
Kind regards,
First off, understand that one of the STRONG SUITS of Legend and Magix is the GROUP CALLING FEATURE.

Your request:

This all works great but we need to make sure that during the day calls not answered by the customer service team get picked up by either the operator or another calling group instead of going to voicemail.

Can easily be done considering your system is a RELEASE 4.0 Magix.

All you have to do is set up some other calling group to be the SUPPORT GROUP for 9086.

That way, if 9086 is not answered, your other group can get the call.

I trust this will suit your needs.

Other than the usual great advice from Jack "merlinman" Morgan, may I say that you are one of the better-informed posters here?

It sometimes takes a lot of patience to answer an ill-informed individual. I usually overcome this obstacle by reminding myself of my early days as a young tech...the days when senior techs had endless patience for all my questions. Of course, said techs then injected a secret drug into my arm and "turned me into one of them". I've been unable to stop helping people ever since.

Even so, I think it's appropriate to recognize those that have a leg up. I'm talking about you, dude. Of course, I'm trying to win your vote so that you don't tell anyone else that I too experienced the heyday of Rolm (we can't be that old, right?)

Stay cool. And please think about sticking around to help others.

Tim Alberstein
Merlinman, thank you!… you ARE the man! I know.. probably haven’t heard that one before right? :)

So I set up a group (780) made up of 3 extensions and made 780 a support group for 9086. Much easier than I thought thanks to your nudge in the right direction.

So easy that I thought I’d take it one step further and make group 9086 a support group for the operator (ext 9031 put in group 770 by herself). This does not appear to work. It just rings ~5 times and goes to 9031’s VM even if she is logged out. My only guess is that I have our 6 POTS lines assign directly to that extension and it somehow overrides the support group? Would removing them from the extension and putting them in the group help? Just a guess.

I’m posting the group prints and 9031’s extension in hopes someone can give me another nudge. :)

Thanks for the kudos but the ONLY reason I seem “better-informed” is because I’ve spent the last couple weeks in the manuals and reading a ton of posts by you guys here. I learned much more from your posts here than I ever could have from the manual. I’m not sure that I’d be much help to anyone here as I’m a network admin wearing a ton of hats but I would be more than happy to help any of you with Windows servers, Linux Servers, SQL, Oracle, Citrix, IIS, AD, DNS, SNA, Email Servers (both Exchange and Linux based) Windows and Linux boxes or any general networking issues (firewalls, VPN’s, Squid, ISA, NAS, SAN, etc.) That’s where I shine... if anywhere! :) I do check in here on Tek-tips in those categories from time to time and try to help out.

Here are the groups and operator’s extension printouts. Thanks in advance for any and all help.

Kind regards,


A Extn SS/PP Type
A 9031 1/ 1 4424LD+

A CTI Link : No Alarms: ACTIVE
A Pool Access :
A Page Group :
A Primary Coverage :
A Secondary Coverage :
A Coverage Group : 30
A Call Screening : OFF
A Group Coverers : 7929
A NS Groups : 9031
A Auxiliary Work Time : NOT ACTIVE
A Group Calling Member: 770
A Group Calling Log In: 770
A Agent ID :
A Pickup Groups :
A Allowed Lists :
A Disallowed Lists :
A Restrictions : UNRESTRICTED
A ESS Sup. Status : NOT ACTIVE
A ESS Restrictions : ESS-2 - NO RESTRICTION
A Auto Callback : OFF
A Call Waiting : OFF
A Abbreviated Ring : ON
A Line Preference : ON
A Shared SA Ring : ON
A Receive Voice Calls : ON
A Coverage Inside : ON
A Forwarding to :
A Delay Forwarding : 0
A Rmt Call Frwd Pool :
A ARS Restriction : 3
A Forced Account Code : No
A Microphone Disable : No
A Rotary Enable : No
A Remote Forward Allow: Yes
A Trunk Transfer Allow: Yes
A NS Exclusion : No
A Voice Announce Pair : No
A Voice/Data Pair : No
A Language : English
A Authorization Code : 9031
A 2B Data Port : No
A Primary Ring Delay : 2
A Secondary Ring Delay: 2
A Group Cover Delay : 3
A HotLine Extension : No
A Networking and ISDN Display Preference: NUMBER
A Service Observer:
A Service Observing Group:


A Extn SS/PP Type
A 9031 1/ 1 4424LD+

A Button 34 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 33 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 32 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 31 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 30 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 29 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 28 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 27 *44 ES2 Status On
A Button 26 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 25 *787 44XX Drop Status None
A Button 24 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 23 *22 Auto Dial 9079 Status None
A Button 22 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 21 *22 Auto Dial 9041 Status None
A Button 20 *56 Direct VoiceMail Status Off
A Button 19 *9 Pickup General Status None
A Button 18 *22 Auto Dial 9043 Status None
A Button 17 *22 Auto Dial 9003 Status None
A Button 16 *20 Feature Status None
A Button 15 *33 Forward Status Off
A Button 14 *22 Auto Dial 9033 Status None
A Button 13 *22 Auto Dial 9049 Status None
A Button 12 *22 Auto Dial 9064 Status None
A Button 11 *22 Auto Dial 9012 Status None
A Button 10 *22 Auto Dial 9185 Status None
A Button 9 *22 Auto Dial 9034 Status None
A Button 8 Line 806 -I Status None
A Button 7 Line 805 -I Status None
A Button 6 Line 804 -I Status None
A Button 5 Line 803 -I Status None
A Button 4 Line 802 -I Status None
A Button 3 Line 801 -I Status None
A Button 2 *16 SysAcc Voice -I Status None
A Shared System Access:
A Button 1 *16 SysAcc Ring -I Status None
A Shared System Access:

Here’s 9031’s group

A Group # : 770 Group Type : AutoLogout
A Call Distribution Type : CIRCULAR

A PryAnn No. EXT # LABEL Messaging Announcement
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
A 7
A 8
A 9
A 10
A Secondary Announcement Ext # :
A Messaging Announcement # for Secondary Announcement:
A Time Between Delay Announcements: 0
A Repeat Secondary Announcement: No

A Message Waiting Station :

A Queue Control Limit: 99
A Calls_in_queue Threshold 1: 1
A Calls_in_queue Threshold 2: 1
A Calls_in_queue Threshold 3: 1
A External Alert ext # :
A Overflow Threshold (#) : 1
A Overflow Threshold (Time): 0
A Prompt Based Overflow Option: No
A Overflow to DGC group # : 7929

A Group Coverage :

A Member No. EXT # LABEL
A 1 9031 STEPH M
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
A 7
A 8
A 9
A 10
A 11
A 12
A 13
A 14
A 15
A 16
A 17
A 18
A 19
A 20


A Group Priority: : 16
A Support Group: : 9086

A Home Group(s)/Priority :

Here’s 9086’s group (support group works)


A Group # : 9086 Group Type : AutoLogout
A Call Distribution Type : MOST IDLE

A PryAnn No. EXT # LABEL Messaging Announcement
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
A 7
A 8
A 9
A 10
A Secondary Announcement Ext # :
A Messaging Announcement # for Secondary Announcement:
A Time Between Delay Announcements: 0
A Repeat Secondary Announcement: No

A Message Waiting Station : 9049

A Queue Control Limit: 99
A Calls_in_queue Threshold 1: 1
A Calls_in_queue Threshold 2: 1
A Calls_in_queue Threshold 3: 1
A External Alert ext # :
A Overflow Threshold (#) : 1
A Overflow Threshold (Time): 1
A Prompt Based Overflow Option: No
A Overflow to DGC group # : 7929

A Group Coverage :

A Member No. EXT # LABEL
A 1 9033 SUSAN A
A 2 9049 DARLENE
A 3 9064 CAROL R
A 4
A 5
A 6
A 7
A 8
A 9
A 10
A 11
A 12
A 13
A 14
A 15
A 16
A 17
A 18
A 19
A 20


A Group Priority: : 16
A Support Group: : 780

A Home Group(s)/Priority : 770 16 774 16

Here’s the 780 support group for 9086…


A Group # : 780 Group Type : AutoLogout
A Call Distribution Type : CIRCULAR

A PryAnn No. EXT # LABEL Messaging Announcement
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
A 7
A 8
A 9
A 10
A Secondary Announcement Ext # :
A Messaging Announcement # for Secondary Announcement:
A Time Between Delay Announcements: 0
A Repeat Secondary Announcement: No

A Message Waiting Station :

A Queue Control Limit: 99
A Calls_in_queue Threshold 1: 1
A Calls_in_queue Threshold 2: 1
A Calls_in_queue Threshold 3: 1
A External Alert ext # :
A Overflow Threshold (#) : 1
A Overflow Threshold (Time): 0
A Prompt Based Overflow Option: No
A Overflow to DGC group # :

A Group Coverage :

A Member No. EXT # LABEL
A 1 9034 CORI C
A 2 9185 DIANE B
A 3 9079 CAROL V
A 4
A 5
A 6
A 7
A 8
A 9
A 10
A 11
A 12
A 13
A 14
A 15
A 16
A 17
A 18
A 19
A 20


A Group Priority: : 16
A Support Group: :

A Home Group(s)/Priority : 9086 16

I did notice the “home groups” are different but could not find any documentation on how to change the home group settings. (Group 774 was one that I experimented with earlier but has no members now.)

Thanks again everyone!
IS your group 9086 set up as the backup for your operator

in SPM under operator
enter group 9086

you also need a position busy button for your operator

Thanks so much, I'll give it a try!

Take care and have a merry Christmas!

I did a little reading over the weekend and this morning and it seems that a position busy button call only be assigned to a QCC operator. Our operator is DLC. Will this still work using a do not disturb button instead? And... will calls go to group 9086 if the operator is on the line with someone else?

Thanks again,
good ? ( can't locate my notes )but a DND should do the same as BB
you can try to make your operator as a sender, & use the overflow threshold time to send ( 10 or 15 sec. )if operator talking , but also your receivers need to be auto logged in

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