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Recieve Calls when VM Pro Server is down?

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Nov 8, 2006
Is there a way to program IP office to still send calls to a huntgroup when the Voicemail Pro server is down for maintence?

Or any suggestions that could help bring the server down but still recieve calls?

Make a group with the same name as the module/attendant the calls go to, so if the VM Pro mudule is called "Attend" call a group "Attend" and it will route to that in the event of VM failure/downtime. There should be an info in the error pane saying this too :)


"I'm just off to Hartlepool to buy some exploding trousers
Will i need to change anything in voicemail pro?

My group name is main, so your saying just create a huntgroup with the name main and if vm pro fails or the server is off....it will default to that huntgroup?

Also how should it the huntgroup be set up...i already have a main hunt group listed but its out of service.

How should i configure the hunt group so that when voicemail pro is down the phones will still ring?
You don't need to change anything in VM Pro, just have the group name the same as the module in VM Pro, the group needs to be in service though. Everything else is automatic :)


"I'm just off to Hartlepool to buy some exploding trousers
As an alternative you can also set the fallback destination in the ICR

from V3.2 that was my prefered method

I do not Have A.D.D. im just easily, Hey look a Squirrel!
Ok, but if the Hunt Group is in service...then it bypasses voicemail pro when the voicemail pro server is running and just rings out directly to the huntgroup.

I want it to just ring to the huntgroup when the voicemail pro server is down. Would that be out of service fallback group, or with the service already being out of service, just cause it to forward to that huntgroup again?

Thanks for the reply
You sure can, and I have done it that way before, but my OCD kicks in when the error nag message appears and I have to do it the official way :)


"I'm just off to Hartlepool to buy some exploding trousers
Still doesn't work.

I have main huntgroup 500 set to out of service and then i set the fall back to my operator. all it did was ring directly to the operator and did not go through the voicemail pro programming. I then set the huntgroup in service and again not going through the voicemail pro prompts.

Is it just something manual that i need to do before i bring the server down? If i set the main huntgroup to in service and then bring down the server, will that main huntgroup still ring out with the server down? i will test this in about 1 hr but was just curious and would like to not have to manually do it every server down time.


You have it set up in an odd way then, it should go as follows:

Incomng Call route - Incoming number 123456 - Destination VM:Attend

Huntgroup also called "Attend" with Reception (201) in

Calling in on 123456 with VM working goes to the Attendant in the VM Pro module called "Attend", if VM is down it will automatically go to the group called Attend which needs to be IN SERVICE and it will ring 201.

Do not press any buttons or put groups out of service, obviously this only works for calls that come in on the 123456 number.


"I'm just off to Hartlepool to buy some exploding trousers
The only way for me to get voicemail pro to trigger our programed routing and recordings, i have to put huntgroup 500 main out of service.

I do have number 123456 pointed to destination 500 main.

THanks but i'm still confused.
Then try this: In incoming call route, under fallback destination, put the hunt group main you have. Now, if the main destination is down (voicemail) it will ring the fallback (main hunt group).
123456 was an example od a DDI/DID, don't actually enter that. I think it's time you got some official training as much of this is obviously lost in translation making it even harder to explain :)


"I'm just off to Hartlepool to buy some exploding trousers
I know not to use 123456...i was just copying your example.... ;)

My work around is just putting main in service before i bring the server down. i will then put it back out of service once the server is up and running.

Thanks for all the replies.
I tend to agree with IP Guru. I want a back up for any IP Office with full time AA.

I build a new hunt group with every user in it (My current favorite name is Yikes). Then under ICR/Destination, I make Yikes the fallback extension.

Now, if voicemail or the server has any issues, then inbound calls will ring everywhere, and everybody's phone will say yikes. No lost calls. Quicker knowledge of the problem and hopefully quick correction.

Good luck,
If you are on 6.0 (vmpro 6.0.44) or higher then you can setup a second vmpro server as a backup server.
The second server will take over within 2 minutes.
If you use SNMP or alarms by email then you will have a notification about this.

Homo sapiens non urinat in ventum

honey, i fried the IP Office !!!

Sarcasm, it's only one of the services I offer.
I like the "Yikes" group. On most installs with a full time attendant I point it to a module called "VM_Down" and from there send it to Day, Night, etc. It is very helpful in directing the customers when they report service issues. Having the customer say "My phone says VM Down whenever I get a call" diagnoses the problem for you.

Otherwise they report whatever it is that they want to do at the time as the problem. I remember a guy who reported the email server was down. The actual problem was his monitor died and he just had a totally black screen. But since he wanted to check his email at the time...
Fallback is the way to go. I just finished an install of vm pro with the fallback extension being a hunt group. Shut down vm pro and placed test call, works like a charm
I guess i may have my system configured incorrectly then.

How do I need to setup the huntgoup for my main number so that it hits the vm pro server when the huntgroup is in service?

The only way i can get it to go to vm pro is by putting the hunt group out of service?

Any one have anything i can read up on to configure it correctly.

Calls hit the group because vmpro is programmed to transfer it to the group.
If you then rename the group with the same name as the module is called then it will go to this group when vmpro is down.

Homo sapiens non urinat in ventum

honey, i fried the IP Office !!!

Sarcasm, it's only one of the services I offer.
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