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Receiving Error: You must use the dbSeeChanges option with OpenRecordSet when accessing a SQL Server

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Aug 16, 2004
I have an MS Access 2010 (.mdb) application linked to a MS SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2 database on the backend. I am using an SQL Server ODBC connection driver. I am not using a SQL Server Native client driver.

When I run my application at some point I receive the following error:

You must use the dbSeeChanges option with OpenRecordSet when accessing a SQL Server table that has an IDENTITY column

The error happens when I double click on a item (record) in the list of the screen (on Form: frmABCList) in order to get the detail information for that record. Instead of receiving the detailed information filled out on the Form: frmABCDetail, I get the error message shown above, and the Form: frmABCDetail appears, but it is blank.

How can I correct this error and keep it from appearing?

Here is the code that I use for the detail section on Form frmABCList:

Private Sub Detail_Click()
On Error GoTo Error_Detail_Click

Dim db As DAO.Database

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stLinkCriteria = [doc_index]

stDocName = "frmABCDetail"

Set db = CurrentDb()

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("qryDocumentList", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

With rs


.FindFirst ("[doc_index]= '" & Me![doc_index] & "'")

If .NoMatch Then



stLinkCriteria = Me.[doc_index]

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria, , , "Modify"

End If



End With

'Check for no records
'If (Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount <> 0) Then
'DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria, , , "Modify"
'End If
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Detail_Click

End Sub

As you can see, I am using dbSeeChanges in my code, but I still get the error. Also, could the problem be caused by the .ldb file associated with the MS Access application?

Or could the problem be with the tblDocument table, which does use and has to use an IDENTITY column called 'doc_index'.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I'm surprised the code works without specifying a boolean expression like:

stLinkCriteria = "doc_Index = " & Me.[doc_index]

I would think your existing code would not filter out any records.

Is Doc_Index in the record source of frmABCDetail?

Hook'D on Access
MS Access MVP

No. It is not included in frmABCDetail as in its record source. It is not bound to a recordsource. I'll send you the code for frmABCDetail later to see how it is referenced in the receiving Access form.

Thanks for your assistance.


As promised here is the code for the Detail form:


Private Sub cdAddKeyword_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cdAddKeyword_Click
Dim strCriteria As String, strQueryName As String
Dim gdf As QueryDef
Dim varVar As Variant
strQueryName = "qryJSABCKeywordSubformAdd"
Set gdf = g_dbABC.QueryDefs(strQueryName)
'check for no value in field
If Len(tbAssignAvailableKeyword & "") <> 0 Then
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
varVar = DLookup("[keyword_index]", "tblKeyword", "keyword_name ='" & [tbAssignAvailableKeyword] & "'")
gdf.Parameters("ABC_index") = Me![tbDocIndex]
gdf.Parameters("keywd_name") = Me![tbAssignAvailableKeyword]
gdf.Parameters("keywd_index") = varVar
gdf.Execute (dbFailOnError)
g_IsChanged = False

DoCmd.SetWarnings True
MsgBox "No keyword to assign. Please select keyword and try again.", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
End If
Exit Sub

If dbFailOnError = 128 Then
'MsgBox Err.Description
MsgBox "Keyword already exists. Can't add keyword.", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
Resume Exit_cdAddKeyword_Click
MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "ABC"
Resume Exit_cdAddKeyword_Click
End If
End Sub
' Delete keyword record form temporary table
Private Sub cmdDeleteKeyword_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDeleteKeyword_Click

Dim strCriteria As String, strQueryName As String
Dim gdf As QueryDef
strQueryName = "qryJSABCKeywordSubformDelete"
Set gdf = g_dbABC.QueryDefs(strQueryName)
'check for no value in field
If (Me![frmKeywordDetailSecondsubform].Form.RecordsetClone.RecordCount <> 0) Then
'If Len(Me![frmKeywordDetailSecondsubform].Form!tbKeywordName & "") <> 0 Then
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
gdf.Parameters("ABC_index") = Me![tbDocIndex]
gdf.Parameters("keywd_name") = Me.[frmKeywordDetailSecondsubform].Form!tbKeywordName
gdf.Execute (dbFailOnError)
g_IsChanged = False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Me![frmKeywordDetailSecondsubform].Form.RecordsetClone.AbsolutePosition = 0
MsgBox "No keyword to delete.", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
End If
Exit Sub

If (Err = 2427) Then
MsgBox "No data to delete. Please try again.", 0, "ABC"
If Err = 3021 Then ' No current record
Resume Exit_cmdDeleteKeyword_Click
MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "ABC"
End If
End If
Resume Exit_cmdDeleteKeyword_Click
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub cmdAddReview_Click()
'On Error GoTo Err_cmdAddReview
Dim strCriteria As String, strQueryName As String
Dim gdf As QueryDef
Dim g_strClear, varExists As Variant
g_strClear = ""
If Len(Me![tbDateCreated] & "") = 0 Then
Me![tbDateCreated] = Format(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy")
End If
'check for existing record
If ReviewChecks Then
varExists = DLookup("[doc_index]", "tblJSABCReviewTemporary", "[rvw_created_date] = #" & Me![tbDateCreated] & "# And [doc_index] = " & Me![tbDocIndex])
If varExists Then
If CheckReviewChange Then 'if changed save record, else do nothing

'"Save current review record first?"
If MsgBox("A record exists for the date: " & Format(Me![tbDateCreated], "mm/dd/yyyy") & " . Do you wish to save changes?", vbYesNo, "ABC") = vbYes Then
strQueryName = "qryJSABCReviewSubformListUpdate"
Set gdf = g_dbABC.QueryDefs(strQueryName)
gdf.Parameters("inpdoc_index") = Me![tbDocIndex]
gdf.Parameters("inpdate_created") = Nz(Me![tbDateCreated])
gdf.Parameters("inpaction_number") = Nz(Me![tbActionNumber])
gdf.Parameters("inpaction_officer") = Me![tbReviewerAO]
If IsNull(Me![tbAOPhone]) Then
Me![tbAOPhone] = ""
End If
gdf.Parameters("inpao_phone") = Nz(Me![tbAOPhone])
If IsNull(Me![tbReviewCompleted]) Then
Me![tbReviewCompleted] = ""
End If
gdf.Parameters("inprvw_completed_date") = Me![tbReviewCompleted]
gdf.Parameters("inprvw_status_code") = Me![cb2Status]
gdf.Parameters("inprvw_suspense") = Nz(Me![tbSuspenseDate])
gdf.Parameters("inprvw_tasked_date") = Me![tbTaskedDate]
gdf.Parameters("inprvw_type_code") = Me![cbReviewType]

gdf.Execute (dbFailOnError)
g_IsChanged = False

End If
End If
'clear fields
Me![tbDateCreated] = g_strClear
Me![tbTaskedDate] = g_strClear
Me![cbReviewType] = g_strClear
Me![tbActionNumber] = g_strClear
Me![tbSuspenseDate] = g_strClear
Me![tbReviewCompleted] = g_strClear
Me![cb2Status] = g_strClear
Me![tbReviewerAO] = g_strClear
Me![tbAOPhone] = g_strClear
g_strSaveFlag = True 'review save button set to true
strQueryName = "qryJSABCReviewSubformAdd"
Set gdf = g_dbABC.QueryDefs(strQueryName)
'check for no value in field
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
'add record
gdf.Parameters("inpdoc_index") = Me![tbDocIndex]
gdf.Parameters("inprvw_created_date") = Me![tbDateCreated]
gdf.Parameters("inpaction_number") = Me![tbActionNumber]
gdf.Parameters("inpaction_officer") = Me![tbReviewerAO]
gdf.Parameters("inpao_phone") = Me![tbAOPhone]
gdf.Parameters("inprvw_completed_date") = Me![tbReviewCompleted]
gdf.Parameters("inprvw_status_code") = Me![cb2Status]
gdf.Parameters("inprvw_suspense") = Me![tbSuspenseDate]
gdf.Parameters("inprvw_tasked_date") = Me![tbTaskedDate]
gdf.Parameters("inprvw_type_code") = Me![cbReviewType]

gdf.Execute (dbFailOnError)
g_IsChanged = False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
strSaveFlag = True 'review save button set to true
End If

If TabPage.Value <> ExitTab Then
End If
End If
Exit Sub

If dbFailOnError = 128 Then
MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "ABC"
Resume Exit_cmdAddReview
MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "ABC"
Resume Exit_cmdAddReview
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDelReview_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDelReviewClick
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDeleteReviewClick
Dim strCriteria As String, strQueryName As String
Dim gdf As QueryDef

strQueryName = "qryJSABCReviewSubformDelete"
Set gdf = g_dbABC.QueryDefs(strQueryName)
'check for no value in field
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
gdf.Parameters("ABC_index") = Me![frmJSABCReviewSubform].Form!doc_index
gdf.Parameters("created_date") = Me![tbDateCreated]

gdf.Execute (dbFailOnError)
g_IsChanged = False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

'tbTaskedDate = g_strClear

Exit Sub

If (Err = 2427) Then
MsgBox "No Review data to delete. Please try again.", 0, "ABC"
MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "ABC"
'MsgBox "Error on delete ReviewRemark", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
End If
Resume Exit_cmdDeleteReviewClick
Exit Sub

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "ABC"
Resume Exit_cmdDelReviewClick

End Sub
Private Function UpdateReviewRemarks()
Dim strCriteriaReviewRemarks
Dim qdf As QueryDef
On Error GoTo Err_UpdateReviewRemarks

UpdateReviewRemarks = False
DoCmd.SetWarnings False

'---Update ReviewRemarks Table
'---If no temp-ReviewRemark data, delete from permanent-ReviewRemark table only
' If Len(Me![frmJSABCReviewRemarkSubform]![ReviewRemark_date] & "") <> 0 Then
If Len(Me![tbDocIndex] & "") <> 0 Then
' DoCmd.SetWarnings True
strCriteriaReviewRemarks = "Delete * from tblReview_Remark where doc_index = " & Me![tbDocIndex]
DoCmd.RunSQL strCriteriaReviewRemarks
'End If
'-update ReviewRemark with temp ReviewRemark table

DoCmd.OpenQuery ("qryJSABCReviewRemarkSubformUpdate")
'MsgBox "no ReviewRemark data to update"
'-delele ReviewRemark data
MsgBox "no doc index, no reveiw remarks", 0, "ABC"
End If

DoCmd.SetWarnings True
UpdateReviewRemarks = True

Exit Function
MsgBox "Update ReviewRemarks: " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "ABC"
Resume Exit_UpdateReviewRemarks

End Function

Private Sub tbActionNumber_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Len(tbActionNumber & "") <> 0 Then
If (CheckLength(Len([tbActionNumber]), 15)) = False Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub tbAOPhone_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Len(tbAOPhone & "") <> 0 Then
If (CheckLength(Len([tbAOPhone]), 8)) = False Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If

End Sub

Private Sub tbAssignAvailableKeyword_Change()
Call adhIncSearch(Me!tbAssignAvailableKeyword, Me!lbAvailableKeyword, "keyword_name")
Me.tbAssignedKeywordIndex = Me.lbAvailableKeyword.Column(1)
End Sub

Private Sub tbAssignAvailableKeyword_Enter()
Call adhIncSearch(Me!tbAssignAvailableKeyword, Me!lbAvailableKeyword, "keyword_name")
Me.tbAssignedKeywordIndex = Me.lbAvailableKeyword.Column(1)
End Sub

Private Sub tbAssignAvailableKeyword_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Call adhUpdateSearch(Me!tbAssignAvailableKeyword, Me!lbAvailableKeyword)
Me.tbAssignedKeywordIndex = Me.lbAvailableKeyword.Column(1)
End Sub

Private Sub tbAvailable_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Len(tbAvailable & "") <> 0 Then
If (CheckLength(Len([tbAvailable]), 20)) = False Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub tbCancellationDate_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
' Convert InDate to a date variable and check to see if it's valid
Cancel = True
If (Len(Me![tbCancellationDate] & "") > 0) Then 'something type in
If IsNumeric(Right(Format(Me![tbCancellationDate], "mm/dd/yyyy"), 4)) Then
If IsDate(Me![tbCancellationDate]) Then
Cancel = False
MsgBox "Please enter a valid date? Ex: mm/dd/yyyy", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
End If
MsgBox "Please enter a valid date? Ex: mm/dd/yyyy", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
End If
Cancel = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub tbCmdDist_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Len(tbCmdDist & "") <> 0 Then
If (CheckLength(Len([tbCmdDist]), 15)) = False Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If

End Sub
Private Sub tbDateCreated_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
'If tbDateCreated = "" Then
'Forms![frmJSABCDetail]![frmJSABCReviewRemarkSubform].Visible = False
'Me.cmdAddReviewRemarks.Visible = False
'Me.cmdDeleteReviewRemarks.Visible = True
'End If
End Sub
Public Function ReviewChecks()

'If TabPage.Value = ReviewTab Then

ReviewChecks = False
If Len([cb2Status] & "") = 0 Then
MsgBox "Status must be entered. Please try again", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
Exit Function
End If
If Len([cbReviewType] & "") = 0 Then
MsgBox "Review Type must be entered. Please try again", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
Exit Function
End If
ReviewChecks = True
'End If
End Function
Public Function DeleteForm()
Dim MyRecordsABC, MyRecordsKeyword, MyRecordsReview As Recordset
Dim varExists As Variant
On Error GoTo Err_DeleteForm
DeleteForm = False
If MsgBox("Do you really want to delete?", vbYesNo, "ABC") = vbYes Then
If (DeleteDetail("qryABCDetailDelete")) Then
DeleteForm = True
End If
Exit Function
End If
Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "ABC"
Resume Exit_DeleteForm

End Function
Private Function DeleteDetail(strQueryName) As Integer
Dim intAnswer As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_DeleteDetail
Dim varExists As Variant
Dim qdf As QueryDef
DeleteDetail = False
'Test for corresponding prescr_doc_index in the Form table before deleting
'varExists = DLookup("[doc_index]", "tblForm", "[prescr_doc_index] =" & Me![tbDocIndex])

' [tbReviewStatus] = DLookup("[rvw_status_code]", "tblJSABCReviewTemporary", "[rvw_created_date] = #" & varExists & "#")
'If varExists Then
' MsgBox "Can't delete. The form ABC number :" & varExists & " must be deleted first."

' Exit Function
'End If
Set qdf = g_dbABC.QueryDefs(strQueryName)
qdf.Parameters("inpdoc_index") = Me![tbDocIndex]
qdf.Execute (dbFailOnError)
DeleteDetail = True

If Not qdf Is Nothing Then qdf.Close
Exit Function

MsgBox "DeleteQuery: " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "ABC"
Resume Exit_DeleteDetail

End Function
Public Function LoadAddForm()

'unlock date and number
Me![tbDocIndex] = 999
Me![tbABCNumber].BackColor = WHITE
Me![tbABCNumber].Enabled = True
Me![tbABCNumber].Locked = False

Me![tbABCDate].BackColor = WHITE
Me![tbABCDate].Enabled = True
Me![tbABCDate].Locked = False
'Me![tbABCDate] = ""

Me![tbCancellationDate].BackColor = GRAY
Me![tbCancellationDate].Enabled = False
Me![tbCancellationDate].Locked = True

Me![tbABCNumberAssigned].BackColor = GRAY
Me![tbABCNumberAssigned] = Format(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy") 'set to today's date
Me![tbABCNumberAssigned].Enabled = False
Me![tbABCNumberAssigned].Locked = True
'hide review tab
Me![Reviews].Visible = False
'un hide keyword tab and change tab
Me![Keywords].Visible = True
[cdAddChange].Enabled = True
[cdDeleteChange].Enabled = True

g_strDateCreated = g_strClear
g_strTaskedDate = g_strClear
g_strReviewType = g_strClear
g_strActionNumber = g_strClear
g_strSuspenseDate = g_strClear
g_strReviewCompleted = g_strClear
g_str2Status = g_strClear
g_strReviewerAO = g_strClear
g_strAOPhone = g_strClear

End Function
Public Function MyDate(InDate)
' Convert InDate to a date variable and check to see if it's valid
If IsDate(InDate) Then
MyDate = CDate(InDate)
Exit Function
MsgBox "Value entered is not a date. Please try again.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "ABC"
End If
End Function
Private Sub tbABCDate_AfterUpdate()

If OpenArgs = "Add" Then
End If
Me.tbABCDate.Locked = True
'Me.tbABCDate.Enabled = False
Me.tbABCDate.BackColor = GRAY

End Sub
Private Sub tbABCDate_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
' Convert InDate to a date variable and check to see if it's valid
Cancel = True
If (Len(Me![tbABCDate] & "") > 0) Then 'something type in
If IsNumeric(Right(Format(Me![tbABCDate], "mm/dd/yyyy"), 4)) Then
If IsDate(Me![tbABCDate]) Then
Cancel = False
MsgBox "Please enter a valid date? Ex: mm/dd/yyyy", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
End If
MsgBox "Please enter a valid date? Ex: mm/dd/yyyy", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
End If
Cancel = False
End If

End Sub
Private Sub tbABCNumber_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Len(tbABCNumber & "") <> 0 Then
If (CheckLength(Len([tbABCNumber]), 16)) = False Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If

End Sub

Private Sub tbFileLocation_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Len(tbFileLocation & "") <> 0 Then
If (CheckLength(Len([tbFileLocation]), 20)) = False Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If

End Sub
Private Sub tbFiscalYear_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

'If (IsNumeric(Left([tbFiscalYear], 4)) And (Left([tbFiscalYear], 4) > 1900)) Then
' If Mid([tbFiscalYear], 5, 1) = "-" Then
' If (IsNumeric(Right([tbFiscalYear], 4)) And (Right([tbFiscalYear], 4) > 1900)) Then
' Exit Sub
' End If
'End If
'nd If
' MsgBox "Enter a Fiscal Year in the format of YYYY-YYYY, where YYYY greater than 1900.", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
'If IsNumeric(tbFiscalYear) Then

'If (tbFiscalYear > 1900) Then
If Len(tbFiscalYear & "") <> 0 Then
If (CheckLength(Len([tbFiscalYear]), 9)) = False Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If
' MsgBox "Enter a Fiscal Year in the format of YYYY.", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
'End If
' Else
' MsgBox "Enter a Fiscal Year in the format of YYYY.", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
'End If

End Sub

Private Sub tbInactiveReason_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

If Len(tbInactiveReason & "") <> 0 Then
If (CheckLength(Len([tbInactiveReason]), 45)) = False Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub tbNextReviewDate_AfterUpdate()
'If OpenArgs = "Add" Then
' GetNextReviewDate
'End If
End Sub

Private Sub tbNextReviewDate_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Cancel = True
If (Len(Me![tbNextReviewDate] & "") > 0) Then 'something type in
If IsNumeric(Right(Format(Me![tbNextReviewDate], "mm/dd/yyyy"), 4)) Then
If IsDate(Me![tbNextReviewDate]) Then
Cancel = False
MsgBox "Please enter a valid date? Ex: mm/dd/yyyy", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
End If
MsgBox "Please enter a valid date? Ex: mm/dd/yyyy", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
End If
Cancel = False
End If

End Sub

Private Sub tbNumberOfPages_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo tbError
If Len(tbNumberOfPages & "") <> 0 Then
If IsNumeric(tbNumberOfPages) Then
If [tbNumberOfPages] > 0 And [tbNumberOfPages] < 32768 Then
Exit Sub
Cancel = True
MsgBox "Number must be greater than 0 or less 32768. Please try again", 0, "ABC"
End If
'If (CheckLength(Len([tbNumberOfPages]), 7)) = False Then
' Cancel = True
'If [tbNumberOfPages] = 0 Then
'MsgBox "Number must be greater than 0. Please try again", 0, "ABC"
'Cancel = True
'End If
'End If
MsgBox "A number must be entered. Please try again.", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
Cancel = True
End If
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "ABC"
GoTo tbExit
End Sub
Private Sub tbOriginalAO_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Len(tbOriginalAO & "") <> 0 Then
If (CheckLength(Len([tbOriginalAO]), 25)) = False Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If

End Sub
Private Sub tbReviewCompleted_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
' Convert InDate to a date variable and check to see if it's valid
Dim varDate As String
' Convert InDate to a date variable and check to see if it's valid
Cancel = True
If (Len(Me![tbReviewCompleted] & "") > 0) Then 'something type in
If IsNumeric(Right(Format(Me![tbReviewCompleted], "mm/dd/yyyy"), 4)) Then
If IsDate(Me![tbReviewCompleted]) Then
Cancel = False
MsgBox "Please enter a valid date? Ex: mm/dd/yyyy", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
End If
MsgBox "Please enter a valid date? Ex: mm/dd/yyyy", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
End If
Cancel = False
End If

End Sub
Private Sub tbReviewerAO_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Len(tbReviewerAO & "") <> 0 Then
If (CheckLength(Len([tbReviewerAO]), 25)) = False Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If

End Sub
Private Sub tbShortTitle_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Len(tbShortTitle & "") <> 0 Then
If (CheckLength(Len([tbShortTitle]), 90)) = False Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If

End Sub
Private Sub tbSpecialTag_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Len(tbSpecialTag & "") <> 0 Then
If (CheckLength(Len([tbSpecialTag]), 1)) = False Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If

End Sub
Private Sub tbSpecialTagRemark_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Len(tbSpecialTagRemark & "") <> 0 Then
If (CheckLength(Len([tbSpecialTagRemark]), 30)) = False Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If

End Sub
Private Sub tbSuspenseDate_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
' Convert InDate to a date variable and check to see if it's valid
Dim varDate As String
'varDate = Me![tbSuspenseDate]
If (Len(Me![tbSuspenseDate]) > 0) Then 'something type in
If IsNumeric(Right(Format(Me![tbSuspenseDate], "mm/dd/yyyy"), 4)) Then
If IsDate(Me![tbSuspenseDate]) Then
Cancel = False
MsgBox "Please enter a valid date? Ex: mm/dd/yyyy", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
End If
MsgBox "Please enter a valid date? Ex: mm/dd/yyyy", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
End If
End If

End Sub
Private Sub tbSystem_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Len(tbSystem & "") <> 0 Then
If (CheckLength(Len([tbSystem]), 50)) = False Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If

End Sub
Private Sub tbTaskedDate_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
' Convert InDate to a date variable and check to see if it's valid
Dim strDate As String
Cancel = True

'strDate = Nz(Me![tbTaskedDate])
If (Len(Me![tbTaskedDate] & "") > 0) Then 'something type in
If IsNumeric(Right(Format(Me![tbTaskedDate], "mm/dd/yyyy"), 4)) Then
If IsDate(Me![tbTaskedDate]) Then
Cancel = False
MsgBox "Please enter a valid date? Ex: mm/dd/yyyy", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
End If
MsgBox "Please enter a valid date? Ex: mm/dd/yyyy", vbOKOnly, "ABC"
End If
End If

End Sub

Private Sub tbTitle_AfterUpdate()
If Me.OpenArgs = "Add" Then
tbShortTitle = Left(tbTitle, 90)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub tbTitle_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Len(tbTitle & "") <> 0 Then
If (CheckLength(Len([tbTitle]), 255)) = False Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If

End Sub
Public Function LoadDeleteForm()
Dim MyRecordsABC, MyRecordsKeyword, MyRecordsReview As Recordset
'Dim gdfAdd As QueryDef
Dim varExists As Variant
On Error GoTo Err_LoadDeleteForm

LoadDeleteForm = True
Set MyRecordsABC = g_dbABC.OpenRecordset("qryABCDetail")
With MyRecordsABC
'Link list screen to detail screen on cbABCNumber
If g_strParentFormName = "frmKeywordList" Then
strLinkCriteria = "[doc_index] = " & g_strLinkCriteria
strLinkCriteria = "[Doc_Index] = " & Forms![frmJSABCList]![doc_index]
End If
'strLinkCriteria = "[Doc_Index] = " & Forms![frmJSABCList]![doc_index]
.FindFirst strLinkCriteria
[tbDocIndex] = .Fields("doc_index")
[tbDocIndex].Enabled = False
'[tbDocIndex].BackColor = GRAY

[cbReviewRequired] = .Fields("annual_review_reqd")
[cbReviewRequired].Enabled = False
'[cbReviewRequired].BackColor = GRAY

[tbAvailable] = .Fields("available")
[tbAvailable].Enabled = False
[tbAvailable].Locked = True
[tbAvailable].BackColor = GRAY

[tbABCDate] = .Fields("birth_date")
[tbABCDate].Enabled = False
[tbABCDate].BackColor = GRAY

[tbCancellationDate] = .Fields("cancellation_date")
[tbCancellationDate].Enabled = False
[tbCancellationDate].Locked = True
[tbCancellationDate].BackColor = GRAY

[tbABCNumberAssigned] = .Fields("doc_num_assn_date")
[tbABCNumberAssigned].Enabled = False
[tbABCNumberAssigned].BackColor = GRAY

[tbABCNumber] = .Fields("doc_number")
[tbABCNumber].Enabled = False
[tbABCNumber].BackColor = GRAY

[cbStatus] = .Fields("doc_status_code")
[cbStatus].Enabled = False
[cbStatus].Locked = True
[cbStatus].BackColor = GRAY

[cbSubType] = .Fields("doc_subtype_code")
[cbSubType].Enabled = False
[cbSubType].Locked = True
[cbSubType].BackColor = GRAY

[cbType] = .Fields("doc_type_code")
[cbType].Enabled = False
[cbType].Locked = True
[cbType].BackColor = GRAY

[tbFileLocation] = .Fields("file_location")
[tbFileLocation].Enabled = False
[tbFileLocation].Locked = True
[tbFileLocation].BackColor = GRAY

[tbInactiveReason] = .Fields("inactive_reason")
[tbInactiveReason].Enabled = False
[tbInactiveReason].Locked = True
[tbInactiveReason].BackColor = GRAY

[tbNextReviewDate] = .Fields("next_review_date")
[tbNextReviewDate].Enabled = False
[tbNextReviewDate].Locked = True
[tbNextReviewDate].BackColor = GRAY

[cbOprAgency] = .Fields("opr_agency_code")
[cbOprAgency].Enabled = False
[cbOprAgency].Locked = True
[cbOprAgency].BackColor = GRAY

[tbOriginalAO] = .Fields("original_ao")
[tbOriginalAO].Enabled = False
[tbOriginalAO].Locked = True
[tbOriginalAO].BackColor = GRAY

[cbSecurityClass] = .Fields("sec_class_code")
[cbSecurityClass].Enabled = False
[cbSecurityClass].Locked = True
[cbSecurityClass].BackColor = GRAY

'.Fields ("special_tag")

Select Case (.Fields("stocked_char"))
Case "Y": [OpgrpStocked].Value = 1
Case "N": [OpgrpStocked].Value = 2
Case "R": [OpgrpStocked].Value = 3
End Select
[OpgrpStocked].Enabled = False
[OpgrpStocked].Locked = True
[OpgrpStocked].BackColor = GRAY

[cbInternetApproved] = .Fields("internet_approved")
[cbInternetApproved].Enabled = False
[cbInternetApproved].Locked = True
[cbInternetApproved].BackColor = GRAY

[tbTitle] = .Fields("title")
[tbTitle].Enabled = False
[tbTitle].Locked = True
[tbTitle].BackColor = GRAY

[tbShortTitle] = .Fields("keywd_index")
[tbShortTitle].Enabled = False
[tbShortTitle].Locked = True
[tbShortTitle].BackColor = GRAY

[tbCmdDist] = .Fields("cmd_distribution")
[tbCmdDist].Enabled = False
[tbCmdDist].Locked = True
[tbCmdDist].BackColor = GRAY
[tbFiscalYear] = .Fields("fiscal_year")
[tbFiscalYear].Enabled = False
[tbFiscalYear].Locked = True
[tbFiscalYear].BackColor = GRAY

[tbNumberOfPages] = .Fields("num_pages")
[tbNumberOfPages].Enabled = False
[tbNumberOfPages].Locked = True
[tbNumberOfPages].BackColor = GRAY

[tbSpecialTag] = .Fields("special_tag")
[tbSpecialTag].Enabled = False
[tbSpecialTag].Locked = True
[tbSpecialTag].BackColor = GRAY

[tbSpecialTagRemark] = .Fields("special_tag_rmk")
[tbSpecialTagRemark].Enabled = False
[tbSpecialTagRemark].Locked = True
[tbSpecialTagRemark].BackColor = GRAY

[tbSystem] = .Fields("system_char")
[tbSystem].Enabled = False
[tbSystem].Locked = True
[tbSystem].BackColor = GRAY

[cdAddChange].Enabled = False
[cdDeleteChange].Enabled = False

[cdAddKeyword].Enabled = False
[cmdDeleteKeyword].Enabled = False

[tbAssignAvailableKeyword].Enabled = False
[tbAssignAvailableKeyword].Locked = True
[tbAssignAvailableKeyword].BackColor = GRAY

[tbTaskedDate].Enabled = False
[tbTaskedDate].Locked = True
[tbTaskedDate].BackColor = GRAY

[tbReviewCompleted].Enabled = False
[tbReviewCompleted].Locked = True
[tbReviewCompleted].BackColor = GRAY

[cbReviewType].Enabled = False
[cbReviewType].Locked = True
[cbReviewType].BackColor = GRAY

[tbActionNumber].Enabled = False
[tbActionNumber].Locked = True
[tbActionNumber].BackColor = GRAY

[tbSuspenseDate].Enabled = False
[tbSuspenseDate].Locked = True
[tbSuspenseDate].BackColor = GRAY

[cb2Status].Enabled = False
[cb2Status].Locked = True
[cb2Status].BackColor = GRAY

[tbReviewerAO].Enabled = False
[tbReviewerAO].Locked = True
[tbReviewerAO].BackColor = GRAY

[tbAOPhone].Enabled = False
[tbAOPhone].BackColor = GRAY
[tbAOPhone].Locked = True

[cmdAddReview].Enabled = False
[cmdDelReview].Enabled = False

[cmdAddReviewRemarks].Enabled = False
[cmdDeleteReviewRemarks].Enabled = False

'[cmdDeleteReviewRemarks].Locked = True
Me.frmJSABCReviewRemarkAddSubform.Locked = True
Me.frmJSABCChangeSubform.Locked = True
Me.frmJSABCReviewRemarkAddSubform.Locked = True
Me.frmJSABCReviewRemarkSubform.Locked = True
'Me.lbAvailableKeyword.Locked = True
Me.lbAvailableKeyword.Enabled = False
End With
Me![Reviews].Visible = True
Me![Keywords].Visible = True

[cdAddChange].Enabled = False
[cdDeleteChange].Enabled = False

'-Load keyword data
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryJSABCKeywordSubformTemporary"
'Run append query to load data into table tblJSABCChangeTemporary
'-Load change data
'DoCmd.SetWarnings True
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryJSABCChangeSubformTemporary"
'DoCmd.SetWarnings False
'Run append query to load data into table tblJSABCReviewTemporary
'-Load Review data
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryJSABCReviewSubformTemporary"
'-Note: Review Remark data is load on the Review subform
'Run append query to load data into table tblJSABCReviewRemarkTemporary
'-Load Review data
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryJSABCReviewRemarkSubformTemporary"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

'save old values
g_strDateCreated = g_strClear
g_strTaskedDate = g_strClear
g_strReviewType = g_strClear
g_strActionNumber = g_strClear
g_strSuspenseDate = g_strClear
g_strReviewCompleted = g_strClear
g_str2Status = g_strClear
g_strReviewerAO = g_strClear
g_strAOPhone = g_strClear

Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "ABC"
Resume Exit_LoadDeleteForm

End Function
Private Function InitVars()
InitVars = False
[cbReviewRequired] = 0
[tbAvailable] = ""
[tbABCDate] = ""
[tbCancellationDate] = ""
[tbABCNumberAssigned] = ""
[tbABCNumber] = ""
[cbStatus] = ""
[cbSubType] = ""
[cbType] = ""
[tbFileLocation] = ""
[tbInactiveReason] = ""
[tbNextReviewDate] = ""
[cbOprAgency] = ""
[tbOriginalAO] = ""
[cbSecurityClass] = ""
[cbInternetApproved] = ""
[tbTitle] = ""
[tbShortTitle] = ""
[tbCmdDist] = ""
[tbFiscalYear] = ""
[tbNumberOfPages] = ""
[tbSpecialTag] = ""
[tbSpecialTagRemark] = ""
[tbTaskedDate] = ""
[cbReviewType] = ""
[tbActionNumber] = ""
[tbSuspenseDate] = ""
[tbReviewCompleted] = ""
[cb2Status] = ""
[tbReviewerAO] = ""
[tbSystem] = ""
[tbAOPhone] = ""

'strReviewFlag = True
InitVars = True
End Function

Public Function AddJSABC()
Dim gdfAdd As QueryDef
Dim gdfAddJs As QueryDef
Dim varExists As Variant
On Error GoTo Err_AddABC

AddJSABC = False

Set gdfAdd = g_dbABC.QueryDefs("qryABCDetailAdd")
Set gdfAddJs = g_dbABC.QueryDefs("qryABCDetailAddJS")
' --Add JSABC Table
gdfAdd.Parameters("inpannual_review_reqd") = Me![cbReviewRequired]
gdfAdd.Parameters("inpavailable") = [tbAvailable]
' update only if not locked
If [tbABCDate].Enabled Then
gdfAdd.Parameters("inpbirth_date") = [tbABCDate]
End If
gdfAdd.Parameters("inpcancellation_date") = [tbCancellationDate]
gdfAdd.Parameters("inpdoc_num_assn_date") = [tbABCNumberAssigned]
gdfAdd.Parameters("inpdoc_number") = [tbABCNumber]
gdfAdd.Parameters("inpdoc_status_code") = [cbStatus]
gdfAdd.Parameters("inpdoc_subtype_code") = [cbSubType]
gdfAdd.Parameters("inpdoc_type_code") = [cbType]
gdfAdd.Parameters("inpfile_location") = [tbFileLocation]
gdfAdd.Parameters("inpinactive_reason") = [tbInactiveReason]
gdfAdd.Parameters("inpnext_review_date") = [tbNextReviewDate]
gdfAdd.Parameters("inpopr_agency_code") = [cbOprAgency]
gdfAdd.Parameters("inporiginal_ao") = [tbOriginalAO]
gdfAdd.Parameters("inpsec_class_code") = [cbSecurityClass]
Select Case ([OpgrpStocked].Value)
Case "1": gdfAdd.Parameters("inpstocked_char") = "Y"
Case "2": gdfAdd.Parameters("inpstocked_char") = "N"
Case "3": gdfAdd.Parameters("inpstocked_char") = "R"
End Select
gdfAdd.Parameters("inpinternet_approved") = [cbInternetApproved]
gdfAdd.Parameters("inpspecial_tag") = [tbSpecialTag]
gdfAdd.Parameters("inpspecial_tag_rmk") = [tbSpecialTagRemark]
gdfAdd.Parameters("inptitle") = [tbTitle]
gdfAdd.Parameters("inpdockeywd_index") = [tbShortTitle]

gdfAdd.Parameters("inpis_form") = False 'set field to false
'find last number
gdfAdd.Execute (dbFailOnError)

varExists = DMax("[doc_index]", "tblABC")
Set gdfAddJs = g_dbABC.QueryDefs("qryABCDetailAddJS")
If Not IsNull(varExists) Then
'varExists = varExists + 1
gdfAddJs.Parameters("inpdoc_index") = varExists
End If
gdfAddJs.Parameters("inpcmd_distribution") = [tbCmdDist]
gdfAddJs.Parameters("inpfiscal_year") = [tbFiscalYear]
gdfAddJs.Parameters("inpnum_pages") = [tbNumberOfPages]
gdfAddJs.Parameters("inpsystem_char") = [tbSystem]

gdfAddJs.Execute (dbFailOnError)

'place ABC index value on form to be used in keyword query
Me![tbDocIndex] = varExists
strLinkCriteria = "Update tblJSABCDetailTemporary set doc_index = '" & varExists & "'"
g_dbABC.Execute strLinkCriteria
strLinkCriteria = "Update tblJSABCChangeTemporary set doc_index = '" & varExists & "'"
g_dbABC.Execute strLinkCriteria

strLinkCriteria = varExists
AddJSABC = True

If Not gdfAdd Is Nothing Then gdfAdd.Close
If Not gdfAddJs Is Nothing Then gdfAddJs.Close
Exit Function

MsgBox "Add JSABC: " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_AddABC

End Function

Private Function CheckABCNumberDate()
Dim MyRecordsABC, MyRecordsKeyword, MyRecordsReview As Recordset
Dim varExists As Variant
Dim varDocExists As Variant
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim strQueryName As String
On Error GoTo Err_ABCAdd
CheckABCNumberDate = False
If Me.OpenArgs = "Modify" Then
If IsNull(Me![tbABCDate]) Or Me![tbABCDate] = "" Then
Me!Check = "N"
Me!Check = "Y"
End If
strQueryName = "qryDocCheckNumberDateModify"
varExists = DLookup("doc_index", strQueryName)
If varExists <> Me![tbDocIndex] Then 'dup record exists
MsgBox "The ABC number and birth date already exists. Change the ABC birth date and try again.", 0, "ABC"
Exit Function
End If
If IsNull(Me![tbABCDate]) Or Me![tbABCDate] = "" Then
Me!Check = "N"
Me![tbABCDate] = Date
Me![tbABCDate] = Null
Me!Check = "Y"
End If
strQueryName = "qryDocCheckNumberDateModify"
Me![tbDocIndex] = -1

varExists = DLookup("doc_index", strQueryName)

If varExists > 0 Then
MsgBox "The ABC number and birth date already exists. Change the ABC birth date and try again.", 0, "ABC"
Exit Function
End If
End If
CheckABCNumberDate = True
Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "ABC"
Resume Exit_ABCAdd

End Function

Private Sub NoChangesMade()
'JS ABC tab
'1 ----------------------------
If IsNull([tbABCNumber]) Then
[tbABCNumber] = ""
End If
If (g_tbABCNumber <> [tbABCNumber]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'2 ----------------------------
If IsNull([tbABCDate]) Then
[tbABCDate] = ""
End If
If (g_tbABCDate <> [tbABCDate]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'3 ----------------------------
If IsNull([cbStatus]) Then
[cbStatus] = ""
End If
If (g_cbStatus <> [cbStatus]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'4 ----------------------------
If IsNull([cbInternetApproved]) Then
[cbInternetApproved] = ""
End If
If (g_cbInternetApproved <> [cbInternetApproved]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'5 ----------------------------
If IsNull([cbOprAgency]) Then
[cbOprAgency] = ""
End If
If (g_cbOprAgency <> [cbOprAgency]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'6 ----------------------------
If IsNull([cbSecurityClass]) Then
[cbSecurityClass] = ""
End If
If (g_cbSecurityClass <> [cbSecurityClass]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'7 ----------------------------
If IsNull([tbTitle]) Then
[tbTitle] = ""
End If
If (g_tbTitle <> [tbTitle]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'8 ----------------------------
If IsNull([tbShortTitle]) Then
[tbShortTitle] = ""
End If
If (g_tbShortTitle <> [tbShortTitle]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'9 ----------------------------
If IsNull([cbType]) Then
[cbType] = ""
End If
If (g_cbType <> [cbType]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'10 ----------------------------
If IsNull([cbSubType]) Then
[cbSubType] = ""
End If
If (g_cbSubType <> [cbSubType]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'11 ----------------------------
If IsNull([tbNumberOfPages]) Then
[tbNumberOfPages] = ""
End If
If (g_tbNumberOfPages <> [tbNumberOfPages]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'12 ----------------------------
If IsNull([tbCmdDist]) Then
[tbCmdDist] = ""
End If
If (g_tbCmdDist <> [tbCmdDist]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'13 ----------------------------
If IsNull([tbOriginalAO]) Then
[tbOriginalAO] = ""
End If
If (g_tbOriginalAO <> [tbOriginalAO]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'14 ----------------------------
If IsNull([tbInactiveReason]) Then
[tbInactiveReason] = ""
End If
If (g_tbInactiveReason <> [tbInactiveReason]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'15 ----------------------------
If IsNull([tbCancellationDate]) Then
[tbCancellationDate] = ""
End If
If (g_tbCancellationDate <> [tbCancellationDate]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'16 ----------------------------
If IsNull([tbSpecialTag]) Then
[tbSpecialTag] = ""
End If
If (g_tbSpecialTag <> [tbSpecialTag]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'17 ----------------------------
If IsNull([tbFileLocation]) Then
[tbFileLocation] = ""
End If
If (g_tbFileLocation <> [tbFileLocation]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'18 ----------------------------
If IsNull([tbSpecialTagRemark]) Then
[tbSpecialTagRemark] = ""
End If
If (g_tbSpecialTagRemark <> [tbSpecialTagRemark]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'19 ----------------------------
If IsNull([tbAvailable]) Then
[tbAvailable] = ""
End If
If (g_tbAvailable <> [tbAvailable]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'20 ----------------------------
If IsNull([tbSystem]) Then
[tbSystem] = ""
End If
If (g_tbSystem <> [tbSystem]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'21 ----------------------------
If IsNull([cbReviewRequired]) Then
[cbReviewRequired] = ""
End If
If (g_cbReviewRequired <> [cbReviewRequired]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'22 ----------------------------
If IsNull([tbFiscalYear]) Then
[tbFiscalYear] = ""
End If
If (g_tbFiscalYear <> [tbFiscalYear]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'23 ----------------------------
If IsNull([tbNextReviewDate]) Then
[tbNextReviewDate] = ""
End If
If (g_tbNextReviewDate <> [tbNextReviewDate]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
'24 ----------------------------
If IsNull([OpgrpStocked]) Then
[OpgrpStocked] = ""
End If
If (g_OpgrpStocked <> [OpgrpStocked]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If

'If g_IsChanged Then
' g_IsChanged = False
'End If

'Review tab
If IsNull([tbTaskedDate]) Then
[tbTaskedDate] = ""
End If
If (g_strTaskedDate <> [tbTaskedDate]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
If IsNull([cbReviewType]) Then
[cbReviewType] = ""
End If
If (g_strReviewType <> [cbReviewType]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
If IsNull([tbActionNumber]) Then
[tbActionNumber] = ""
End If
If (g_strActionNumber <> [tbActionNumber]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
If IsNull([tbSuspenseDate]) Then
[tbSuspenseDate] = ""
End If

If (g_strSuspenseDate <> [tbSuspenseDate]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
If IsNull([tbReviewCompleted]) Then
[tbReviewCompleted] = ""
End If
If (g_strReviewCompleted <> [tbReviewCompleted]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
If IsNull([cb2Status]) Then
[cb2Status] = ""
End If
If (g_str2Status <> [cb2Status]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
If IsNull([tbReviewerAO]) Then
[tbReviewerAO] = ""
End If
If (g_strReviewerAO <> [tbReviewerAO]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If
If IsNull([tbAOPhone]) Then
[tbAOPhone] = ""
End If
If (g_strAOPhone <> [tbAOPhone]) Then
g_IsChanged = False
End If

End Sub

Public Sub SetFormToViewOnly(frm As Form)
' Call SetTextBoxProperties procedure.
'SetFormToViewOnly Me

'Sub SetTextBoxProperties(frm As Form)
Dim ctl As Control

' Enumerate Controls collection.
For Each ctl In frm.Controls
' Check to see if control is text box.
If ctl.ControlType = Toolbar Then
' Set control properties.
If ctl.Item = 2 Then
With ctl
'.Locked = True
'.BackColor = GREY
.Enabled = False
End With
End If
End If

Next ctl
End Sub
Private Sub Command241_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command241_Click
gChoice = True
gSetClearDefault (gChoice)

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "ABC"
Resume Exit_Command241_Click

End Sub

Private Sub txtIncSrch_Change()
Call adhIncSearch(Me!txtIncSrch, Me!lstIncSrch, "Company")
End Sub

Private Sub txtIncSrch_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Call adhUpdateSearch(Me!txtIncSrch, Me!lstIncSrch)
End Sub

Perhaps this line is the culprit :
Set MyRecordsABC = g_dbABC.OpenRecordset("qryABCDetail")

change to
Set MyRecordsABC = g_dbABC.OpenRecordset("qryABCDetail", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

Of course if you are only viewing the data and it's not to be edited, then use 'dbOpenSnapshot'

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Part and Inventory Search

