I have a subform called [frm Debts] located on the main form [frm Clients] and within the subform, i have 2 controls: Debt (which is a currency) and Percent. I have a control in the form footer which sums the Debt. The subform is displayed as continuous. The percent control should calculate the ratio of the record's debt amount compared to the total debt amount. I am trying to get the entire form to recalculate each Percent for ALL RECORDS after each Debt control is updated so that the Percent fields are recalculated based on the updated sum after a new debt is entered or an existing debt is changed. I have tried many different combinations of code and just can't figure this out. I have researched "recalc", "refresh", "on dirty", etc etc etc. Maybe i've got too much stuff floating around now and it's getting all jumbled up. I am still a bit of a novice at this so please don't presume that i know the obvious, such as what to put in a module or whether it should be public or private, etc. 
Thanks for any assistance.
Thanks for any assistance.