I'm trying to save data on a system that glitched the superblock on 7 divisions over 2 primary and 2 mirrored drives. Has anyone had experience doing it? What tools did you use?
This was using a DPT controller feeding the mirrored set of drives so suspect that the controller was the issue. The divvy table is intact to give block utilization.
I'm going to try implanting a superblock from an identically created system but a little hesitant until I think out the possible ramifications.
And if I get the superblock back for what is needed I'll move the system onto a different controller.
Ed Fair
Give the wrong symptoms, get the wrong solutions.
This was using a DPT controller feeding the mirrored set of drives so suspect that the controller was the issue. The divvy table is intact to give block utilization.
I'm going to try implanting a superblock from an identically created system but a little hesitant until I think out the possible ramifications.
And if I get the superblock back for what is needed I'll move the system onto a different controller.
Ed Fair
Give the wrong symptoms, get the wrong solutions.