OK im going to admit im in over my head with this one. Exchange server crashed completely 6/12/2008 at 7:04. I was there when it happened and cant explain what happened. The only thing i can think of is harddrive failure and i called the company we got the server from and they told me this is the 3rd report of harddrive failures for this machine build.
I tried doing CHKDSK C: /P /R and the first time it ran it stopped at 56% and said there is one or more unrecoverable errors on the volume. Im running it again right now (its 8:15pm cst) hopeing maybe it will go further but im not getting my hopes up.
My only option now is to comletely reinstall Windows 2003 Server R2 and then use DISASTER RECOVERY on exchange 2003 to get it back on the enterprise. Now the problem comes is that from what ive read i have to put exchange back where i had it installed on the harddrive. Is this correct? If it is then im hopeing that i can access the old drive and see where it is so i can do that, but if i cant what problems will arrise?
Also apperantly my backup solution was having problems and one of the moron support techs thought he could fix it so he uninstalled it and couldnt get it back on but i wasnt told this until thursday night when all this started (bad management on my part). Problem is he uninstalled it a month ago so i have no backup what-so-ever to work with thats recent and theres no telling if that backup is any good. From the looks of it so far the stores are intact. They are on seperate drive as well as the logs. If they are still intact and good IS THERE any possible way to restore from them and get exchange rolling again. Can i remount those stores somehow or do a recovery storage group or something?
Wm. Reynolds
Premise Communications
Texas Public Safety Solutions
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I tried doing CHKDSK C: /P /R and the first time it ran it stopped at 56% and said there is one or more unrecoverable errors on the volume. Im running it again right now (its 8:15pm cst) hopeing maybe it will go further but im not getting my hopes up.
My only option now is to comletely reinstall Windows 2003 Server R2 and then use DISASTER RECOVERY on exchange 2003 to get it back on the enterprise. Now the problem comes is that from what ive read i have to put exchange back where i had it installed on the harddrive. Is this correct? If it is then im hopeing that i can access the old drive and see where it is so i can do that, but if i cant what problems will arrise?
Also apperantly my backup solution was having problems and one of the moron support techs thought he could fix it so he uninstalled it and couldnt get it back on but i wasnt told this until thursday night when all this started (bad management on my part). Problem is he uninstalled it a month ago so i have no backup what-so-ever to work with thats recent and theres no telling if that backup is any good. From the looks of it so far the stores are intact. They are on seperate drive as well as the logs. If they are still intact and good IS THERE any possible way to restore from them and get exchange rolling again. Can i remount those stores somehow or do a recovery storage group or something?
Wm. Reynolds
Premise Communications
Texas Public Safety Solutions
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