Got an old Tiny PC in the loft and decided to give it to the local school.
Got it all set up and cleaned down for them and was working champion last night.
Takes it into the school this afternoon, sets it up, but the monitor won't on. PC seems to be fine, but the monitor just wont switch on.
Tried monitor with another PC and it was fine.
So brought it all home again and the same was happening for me.
After a few attempts, the monitor eventually came on, but the usually black screen with white writing was all borked.
The memory check was replaced by some weird music symbols and hearts. Same when it goes through the autoexec. Characters replaced by symbols. Then it gets to the loading Win98 screen and then restarts.
Any pointers greatly appreciated.
Got it all set up and cleaned down for them and was working champion last night.
Takes it into the school this afternoon, sets it up, but the monitor won't on. PC seems to be fine, but the monitor just wont switch on.
Tried monitor with another PC and it was fine.
So brought it all home again and the same was happening for me.
After a few attempts, the monitor eventually came on, but the usually black screen with white writing was all borked.
The memory check was replaced by some weird music symbols and hearts. Same when it goes through the autoexec. Characters replaced by symbols. Then it gets to the loading Win98 screen and then restarts.
Any pointers greatly appreciated.