Technical User
I have a server running HPUX B.11.23 and I am using HP Volume Manager. The disk space is being provided by an IBM SAN and the server is running IBM's SMclient.jar
I have volume group named /dev/vgsan100 with what appears to be three logical volumes: common, lun1, and lun4; see table below.
I have two questions: Am I correct in assuming that lun1 and lun4 are actually LUs that are separate from common and they are not a part of common? If these are separate LUs, how can I reallocate the space from lun1 and lun4 to common?
Physical Disk Logical volume Use Mbytes Mount Point
/dev/dsk/c17t0d5 /dev/vgsan100/common VxFS 102368 /common
/dev/dsk/c14t0d6 /dev/vgsan100/common VxFS 102368 /common
/dev/dsk/c14t0d0 /dev/vgsan100/lun1 Unused 102368 [none]
/dev/dsk/c17t0d3 /dev/vgsan100/lun4 Unused 102368 [none]
I have volume group named /dev/vgsan100 with what appears to be three logical volumes: common, lun1, and lun4; see table below.
I have two questions: Am I correct in assuming that lun1 and lun4 are actually LUs that are separate from common and they are not a part of common? If these are separate LUs, how can I reallocate the space from lun1 and lun4 to common?
Physical Disk Logical volume Use Mbytes Mount Point
/dev/dsk/c17t0d5 /dev/vgsan100/common VxFS 102368 /common
/dev/dsk/c14t0d6 /dev/vgsan100/common VxFS 102368 /common
/dev/dsk/c14t0d0 /dev/vgsan100/lun1 Unused 102368 [none]
/dev/dsk/c17t0d3 /dev/vgsan100/lun4 Unused 102368 [none]