Please can someone advise how i can take a single string , and seperate out to many strings..problem is, the spaces in between the string caries...i did find some sample script which seems to work, however i need the output all on the same line...see below..appreciate any help
Dim Str, Seps(2)
Str = "Tom Dick bvbv d Harry"
Seps(0) = " "
Seps(1) = " "
Dim i, a
a = Tokenize(Str, Seps)
For i=1 to UBound(a)
wscript.echo a(i-1)
Function Tokenize(byVal TokenString, byRef TokenSeparators())
Dim NumWords, a()
NumWords = 0
Dim NumSeps
NumSeps = UBound(TokenSeparators)
Dim SepIndex, SepPosition
SepPosition = 0
SepIndex = -1
for i = 0 to NumSeps-1
' Find location of separator in the string
Dim pos
pos = InStr(TokenString, TokenSeparators(i))
' Is the separator present, and is it closest to the beginning of the string?
If pos > 0 and ( (SepPosition = 0) or (pos < SepPosition) ) Then
SepPosition = pos
SepIndex = i
End If
' Did we find any separators?
If SepIndex < 0 Then
' None found - so the token is the remaining string
redim preserve a(NumWords+1)
a(NumWords) = TokenString
' Found a token - pull out the substring
Dim substr
substr = Trim(Left(TokenString, SepPosition-1)) & ","
' Add the token to the list
redim preserve a(NumWords+1)
a(NumWords) = substr
' Cutoff the token we just found
Dim TrimPosition
TrimPosition = SepPosition+Len(TokenSeparators(SepIndex))
TokenString = Trim(Mid(TokenString, TrimPosition))
End If
NumWords = NumWords + 1
loop while (SepIndex >= 0)
Tokenize = a
End Function
Please can someone advise how i can take a single string , and seperate out to many strings..problem is, the spaces in between the string caries...i did find some sample script which seems to work, however i need the output all on the same line...see below..appreciate any help
Dim Str, Seps(2)
Str = "Tom Dick bvbv d Harry"
Seps(0) = " "
Seps(1) = " "
Dim i, a
a = Tokenize(Str, Seps)
For i=1 to UBound(a)
wscript.echo a(i-1)
Function Tokenize(byVal TokenString, byRef TokenSeparators())
Dim NumWords, a()
NumWords = 0
Dim NumSeps
NumSeps = UBound(TokenSeparators)
Dim SepIndex, SepPosition
SepPosition = 0
SepIndex = -1
for i = 0 to NumSeps-1
' Find location of separator in the string
Dim pos
pos = InStr(TokenString, TokenSeparators(i))
' Is the separator present, and is it closest to the beginning of the string?
If pos > 0 and ( (SepPosition = 0) or (pos < SepPosition) ) Then
SepPosition = pos
SepIndex = i
End If
' Did we find any separators?
If SepIndex < 0 Then
' None found - so the token is the remaining string
redim preserve a(NumWords+1)
a(NumWords) = TokenString
' Found a token - pull out the substring
Dim substr
substr = Trim(Left(TokenString, SepPosition-1)) & ","
' Add the token to the list
redim preserve a(NumWords+1)
a(NumWords) = substr
' Cutoff the token we just found
Dim TrimPosition
TrimPosition = SepPosition+Len(TokenSeparators(SepIndex))
TokenString = Trim(Mid(TokenString, TrimPosition))
End If
NumWords = NumWords + 1
loop while (SepIndex >= 0)
Tokenize = a
End Function