I have question regarding opening a xsl file using tdom:
My code is like this:
package require tdom
set gamedata [tDOM::xmlOpenFile LVopa_video_casper8063.xml]
set gamedoc [dom parse -channel $gamedata]
close $gamedata
set xsldata [tDOM::xmlOpenFile Lvopa-video.xsl]***===>not sure how to read .xsl file tDOM::xmlOpenFile gives an error "not well formed "
set soccerstyle [dom parse -channel $xsldata]
close $xsldata
$gamedoc xslt $soccerstyle gamehtml
$gamehtml asXML
set fd [open LvopaVideo.html w]
puts $fd "<?xml ...?>"
$gamehtml asXML -channel $fd
close $fd
I have question regarding opening a xsl file using tdom:
My code is like this:
package require tdom
set gamedata [tDOM::xmlOpenFile LVopa_video_casper8063.xml]
set gamedoc [dom parse -channel $gamedata]
close $gamedata
set xsldata [tDOM::xmlOpenFile Lvopa-video.xsl]***===>not sure how to read .xsl file tDOM::xmlOpenFile gives an error "not well formed "
set soccerstyle [dom parse -channel $xsldata]
close $xsldata
$gamedoc xslt $soccerstyle gamehtml
$gamehtml asXML
set fd [open LvopaVideo.html w]
puts $fd "<?xml ...?>"
$gamehtml asXML -channel $fd
close $fd