It's fairly simple... depending on the information you want to retrieve from the cookies. The following code just lists the Internet addresses contained in the cookies stored at a certain location.
Add a list box to a form and place the following code in a command button. (Make sure the Cpath$ variable refers to the correct folder.)
Cpath$ = "d:\windows\profiles\Alt255\cookies\"
F$ = Dir(Cpath$ & "*.txt"
Do While F$ <> ""
ff = FreeFile
Open Cpath$ & F$ For Binary As #ff
A$ = String$(LOF(ff), 32)
Get #ff, 1, A$
Va = Split(A$, Chr$(10))
If UBound(Va) > 1 Then
Found = False
For Re = 1 To List1.ListCount
If Va(2) = List1.List(Re) Then
Found = True
Exit For
End If
If Found = False Then List1.AddItem Va(2)
End If
F$ = Dir
Remember that cookies are just text files. This little sub simply gets the third line from every *.TXT file in the designated folder.
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