I have a group mailbox which every day receives an email with a zipped report of traffic events attached. I wish to read the email, extract and unzip the attachment, do some processing in MS Access and email reports from the group mail box to each manager whose operatives appear on the report.
Try as I might I cannot open the group mailbox, whatever I do I always get my own personal mailbox.
The code I hoped would work is:
A link to the group mailbox is held as a bookmark in my Notes.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Try as I might I cannot open the group mailbox, whatever I do I always get my own personal mailbox.
The code I hoped would work is:
Dim session As Object
Dim db As Object
Dim strMailFile As String
Dim strServer As String
'Create a NotesSession object
Set session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
'Get the Notes database for the mail
strServer = "PORWMD02/DOMINO/SSE"
strMailFile = "mail\maillndatabases\meteringbusinesssupport.nsf"
Set db = session.GetDatabase(strServer, strMailFile) If db.IsOpen = True Then
'Already open for mail
End If
Any help would be very much appreciated.