I'm at wit's end, guys. I can't find anything in these forums or on Google that can help me.
I'm simply trying to read in a simple notepad ASCII text file that has the TradeMark Symbol and the bullet symbol. No matter what I do, they're always read in as a combination of <quotation>X where X is another character.
I've tried multiple ways of reading them in and always get the same result. I need to be able to read in ONE character at a time because this is a tokenizer program. I've tried the following:
Open file for Input as #1
char = Input(1, #1)
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.OpenTextFile(File, 1, TristateTrue)
''and I've also tried TristateFalse
A Trademark symbol Chr(153) ALWAYS reads in as two characters--"!
And a bullet always reads in as "X where X is a space.
I thought this might be a unicode issue, even though the file is ASCII so I tried reading it in as Unicode, but NO lock. I can't simply convert it everytime I run into an "<space> because I have those all over the place for other reasons.
Any help or if you need clarification on my problem is MUCH MUCH appreciated.