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Reading from a file... need help only new to this

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Jan 9, 2001
hey anyone that reads this...
if u r able to help me i am completely thankful
i am trying to read data from a text file and then place the info into variables... i know this is probable a stupid question but i just dont know the code to do it...
any help would be appreciated...

The below should get you sarted.

Option Explicit

    Private Type RtnRec
        AUTH As String
        ISBN As String
        TITLE As String
        Edition As String
        MyYear As Integer
        Rtnd As String
        Net As Single
        Ext As Single
    End Type

Public Sub basReadRtn()

    Dim NoRec(18) As String
    Dim NoRecFlg(19) As Boolean
    Dim MyLine As String
    Dim Idx As Integer
    Dim MyRtnRec As RtnRec
    Dim MyFldLen As Integer
    Dim Pblshr(25) As String
    Dim MyPubCode As String
    Pblshr(0) = "ACAD"
    Pblshr(1) = ""                          'Pierson Education
    Pblshr(2) = "PH"
    Pblshr(3) = "Norton"
    Pblshr(5) = "VHPS"
    Pblshr(6) = ""                          '"St. Martins"
    Pblshr(7) = "Freeman"
    Pblshr(8) = "Worth"
    Pblshr(9) = "Henry"
    Pblshr(10) = "Bedford"
    Pblshr(11) = "ITP"
    Pblshr(12) = ""                         '"Delaware"
    Pblshr(13) = "WAD"
    Pblshr(14) = ""                         'Heinley-Heinley"
    Pblshr(15) = ""                         'S. Western"
    Pblshr(16) = ""                         'Brooks And Cole"
    Pblshr(17) = ""                         '"Course Tech"
    Pblshr(18) = ""                         'Milady"
    Pblshr(19) = ""                         'PWF"
    Pblshr(20) = ""                         'Duxbury"
    Pblshr(21) = "Westl"
    Pblshr(22) = "AB"                       'Allan Bacon
    Pblshr(23) = "AW"                       'Addison-Wesley
    Pblshr(24) = ""
    Pblshr(25) = ""

    Dim RtnFlds(10) As Integer
    RtnFlds(1) = 1      'Auth Start
    RtnFlds(2) = 16     'Auth End/ISBN Start
    RtnFlds(3) = 26     'ISBN End/Title Start
    RtnFlds(4) = 74     'Title End/Edition Start
    RtnFlds(5) = 83     'Edition End/MyYear Start
    RtnFlds(6) = 103    'MyYear End/Returned Start
    RtnFlds(7) = 113    'Returned End/Net Start
    RtnFlds(8) = 126    'Net End/Extended Start
    RtnFlds(9) = 132    'Extended End

    NoRec(0) = "Page"
    NoRec(1) = "Actual Return List"
    NoRec(2) = "Charge Back"
    NoRec(3) = "Authorization"
    NoRec(4) = "Warehouse"
    NoRec(5) = "Warehous"
    NoRec(6) = "Books Returned"
    NoRec(7) = "Author"
    NoRec(8) = "ISBN"
    NoRec(9) = "Title"
    NoRec(10) = "Reason:"
    NoRec(11) = "====="
    NoRec(12) = "Bill to Address"
    NoRec(13) = "CUBPaC, Inc"
    NoRec(14) = "Dobbin Road"
    NoRec(15) = "Columbia, MD"
    NoRec(16) = "Fax:"
    NoRec(17) = "Total Cost"
    NoRec(18) = "Total Retail"


    Open "C:\Oberlin\Nick.Txt" For Input As #1
    Open "C:\Oberlin\Rtns.Txt" For Output As #2

    While Not EOF(1)

        Line Input #1, MyLine           'Get Input

        'Check for non-record line Indicators
        For Idx = 0 To UBound(NoRec)
            'Set a flag for each text indicator
            NoRecFlg(Idx) = InStr(UCase(MyLine), UCase(NoRec(Idx)))
        Next Idx

        NoRecFlg(UBound(NoRec) + 1) = (Len(MyLine) < 5)

        'Check NoRec Flags and Skip if Set
        If (NoRecFlg(0) And NoRecFlg(1)) Then
            GoTo NotRec
        End If

        If (NoRecFlg(2) And NoRecFlg(3)) Then
            GoTo NotRec
        End If

        If (NoRecFlg(4) And NoRecFlg(5) And NoRecFlg(6)) Then
            GoTo NotRec
        End If

        If (NoRecFlg(7) And NoRecFlg(8) And NoRecFlg(9)) Then
            GoTo NotRec
        End If

        If (NoRecFlg(10) Or NoRecFlg(11) Or NoRecFlg(12)) Then
            GoTo NotRec
        End If

        If (NoRecFlg(11) Or NoRecFlg(12) Or NoRecFlg(13) Or NoRecFlg(14)) Then
            GoTo NotRec
        End If

        If (NoRecFlg(15) Or NoRecFlg(16) Or NoRecFlg(17)) Then
            GoTo NotRec
        End If

        'Only get here w/ a valid Record.
        For Idx = 1 To 8
            MyFldLen = RtnFlds(Idx + 1) - RtnFlds(Idx)

            Select Case Idx
                Case Is = 1         'Author
                    MyRtnRec.AUTH = Mid(MyLine, RtnFlds(Idx), MyFldLen)
                    MyRtnRec.AUTH = Trim(MyRtnRec.AUTH)

                Case Is = 2         'ISBN
                    MyRtnRec.ISBN = Mid(MyLine, RtnFlds(Idx), MyFldLen)
                    MyRtnRec.AUTH = Trim(MyRtnRec.AUTH)

                Case Is = 3         'Title
                    MyRtnRec.TITLE = Mid(MyLine, RtnFlds(Idx), MyFldLen)
                    MyRtnRec.AUTH = Trim(MyRtnRec.AUTH)

                Case Is = 4         'Edition
                    MyRtnRec.Edition = Mid(MyLine, RtnFlds(Idx), MyFldLen)
                    MyRtnRec.AUTH = Trim(MyRtnRec.AUTH)

                Case Is = 5         'Year
                    MyRtnRec.MyYear = Val(Mid(MyLine, RtnFlds(Idx), MyFldLen))
                Case Is = 6         'Returned

                    MyRtnRec.Rtnd = Mid(MyLine, RtnFlds(Idx), MyFldLen)
                    MyRtnRec.AUTH = Trim(MyRtnRec.AUTH)

                Case Is = 7         'Net
                    MyRtnRec.Net = Val(Mid(MyLine, RtnFlds(Idx), MyFldLen))

                Case Is = 8         'Extended
                    MyRtnRec.Ext = Val(Mid(MyLine, RtnFlds(Idx), MyFldLen))

            End Select

        Next Idx

        'Need to &quot;LookUp&quot; the Publisher from the ISBN. _
         If Pub Matches the &quot;List&quot;, we Keep the Record, Else Just Skip it

        intStatus = BKM.BtEqual(MyRtnRec.ISBN)
        If (intStatus = 0) Then        'Found the Book in the MasterFile
            MyPubCode = BKM.PUBCD8
            intStatus = Pub.BtEqual(MyPubCode)

            If (intStatus = 0) Then
                'Found the Publisher in the Pub File
                'For Idx = 0 To UBound(Pblshr)
                    'If (Pub.PubName = Pblshr(Idx)) Then
                        Print #2, MyRtnRec.AUTH; Chr(9);
                        Print #2, MyRtnRec.ISBN; Chr(9);
                        Print #2, MyRtnRec.TITLE; Chr(9);
                        Print #2, MyRtnRec.Edition; Chr(9);
                        Print #2, MyRtnRec.MyYear; Chr(9);
                        Print #2, MyRtnRec.Rtnd; Chr(9);
                        Print #2, MyRtnRec.Net; Chr(9);
                        Print #2, MyRtnRec.Ext; Chr(9);
                        Print #2, Pub.PubName; Chr(9);
                        Print #2, Pub.PUBCD8;

                        strKey = Chr(1) &amp; MKL(BKM.BOOKNO) &amp; MKS(0#)
                        intStatus = RVD.BtLessEqu(strKey)

                        If (intStatus = 0) Then
                            If (RVD.BOOKNO = BKM.BOOKNO) Then
                                'Good Match
                                Print #2, Chr(9);
                                Print #2, RVD.PNo; Chr(9);
                                Print #2, RVD.Seq
                                Print #2, &quot;&quot;
                            End If


                               Print #2, &quot;&quot;
                        End If

                        GoTo NotRec
                    'End If
                'Next Idx
            End If


            GoTo NotRec

        End If



    Close #1
    Close #2

End Sub

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