I am a newbie! yay! i would love it if someone can show me how to copy part of a text file to a new text file. *for instance assuming that the part of the file i want to copy goes from 'tommy' to 'jenny'
dunno if this makes sense, but it prints all the lines from the flat file 'CLIENTS.CSV' where the first letter is L
I am sure there are easy ways - but it's all I could think of on the spur of the moment.
I tried it on a 24mb client file and it only took a second to work out (took ages to display it to screen)
file = file('d:\\CLIENTS.CSV').readlines()
startline, endline, counter = 0, 0, 0
for line in file:
counter = counter +1
if line.startswith('L') and startline==0:
startline = counter
endline = counter
if line.startswith('M') and startline==endline:
endline = counter
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