<select name="menu1" style="font-family : serif; font-size : xx-small" onChange="MM_jumpMenu('parent.frames[\'PTContents\']',this,0)">
<option selected>International Past Stories</option>
Dim fileObject2, textFile2
' Instantiate a FileSystemObject
Set fileObject2 = Server.CreateObject( _
"Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
' Newsletter path must be modified to reflect
' the file structure of the server.
newsletter = "http:\\tt\pearse-trust.ie\newsletters\" & "news.txt"
' Check if the file exists. If not, create it.
If fileObject2.FileExists( newsletter ) = True Then
' Newsletter must be open for reading.
' Open the Newsletter "1" is for reading.
Set textFile2 = fileObject2.OpenTextFile( newsletter, 1 )
' Read the entries from the file and write them to
' the client.
Call Response.Write( textFile2.ReadAll() )
Call textFile2.Close()
End If
<option selected>International Past Stories</option>
Dim fileObject2, textFile2
' Instantiate a FileSystemObject
Set fileObject2 = Server.CreateObject( _
"Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
' Newsletter path must be modified to reflect
' the file structure of the server.
newsletter = "http:\\tt\pearse-trust.ie\newsletters\" & "news.txt"
' Check if the file exists. If not, create it.
If fileObject2.FileExists( newsletter ) = True Then
' Newsletter must be open for reading.
' Open the Newsletter "1" is for reading.
Set textFile2 = fileObject2.OpenTextFile( newsletter, 1 )
' Read the entries from the file and write them to
' the client.
Call Response.Write( textFile2.ReadAll() )
Call textFile2.Close()
End If