As costumer we use since 1999 procomm, visual basic etc to download every night (takes more than 6 hours) all details of translations of all our switches. After the download the data can be used by our departements to check or to change there configuration. After a change request each departement send the changes back and we start after validation a script to load requests into the systems.
It works fine, but after each upgrade a lot of screens are changed, so we need to change scripts for cms, modular messaging, g350, g650, g700, ..., and lose every time many days to change the conversion programs. (on 12/20 we upgraded to cm 3.01, so there we go again for serveral days or weeks)
To the point now:
Every day backupfiles are created and saved on servers anywhere on your network. So, why losing time to download translations while the backupfiles could be "unpacked" and used for info. Why using asa or other terminal emulators to send and transform translations while it could be so easy?
I think there are a lot of clients intrested for it. I have send the request to the usergroup (IAAU). I ask already several years to do something. Last year there was some reaction, so this year ... ?
I think clients don't have to lose there time with something everybody needs or can use. I hope to find some support via this forum to push this request high enough this year.
It works fine, but after each upgrade a lot of screens are changed, so we need to change scripts for cms, modular messaging, g350, g650, g700, ..., and lose every time many days to change the conversion programs. (on 12/20 we upgraded to cm 3.01, so there we go again for serveral days or weeks)
To the point now:
Every day backupfiles are created and saved on servers anywhere on your network. So, why losing time to download translations while the backupfiles could be "unpacked" and used for info. Why using asa or other terminal emulators to send and transform translations while it could be so easy?
I think there are a lot of clients intrested for it. I have send the request to the usergroup (IAAU). I ask already several years to do something. Last year there was some reaction, so this year ... ?
I think clients don't have to lose there time with something everybody needs or can use. I hope to find some support via this forum to push this request high enough this year.