Hello, can anyone help me with this? I've been turning my wheels and below is what I tried on my last attempt and it isn't working. If anyone knows how to do something like this I would much appreciate it.
I need to from a web page search for text in a text file on a remote computer and then display the results to the web page. If there is an easy way to do this please let me know. I am at a loss of what to do. Below is my last attempt.
search.asp that calls the 2nd asp called searchresult.asp
I need to from a web page search for text in a text file on a remote computer and then display the results to the web page. If there is an easy way to do this please let me know. I am at a loss of what to do. Below is my last attempt.
search.asp that calls the 2nd asp called searchresult.asp
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
dim visitor
dim member
response.write "Greetings " & member & "!"
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>
function Check()
if(document.form1.TextToSearch.value == 0)
alert("Please enter text to search !!")
return false;
<P> </P>
<FORM METHOD=POST id=form1 action="searchresult.asp" name=form1 onsubmit="return Check();">
Enter text to search for:
Select BasePage Site:
<select name="select">
<option value="DTC0B00BD5A3B8B" selected>A</option>
<option value="DTC0D0065A9FEE1" >B</option>
<option value="DTC0D0065EFC8FE" >C</option>
<option value="DTC0F00F1732570" >D</option>
<option value="DTC0600B57DABCA" >E</option>
<option value="DTC0D0065B9FBF6" >F</option>
<option value="DTCPCASOB30LY41" >G</option>
<option value="DTC0D00651D79F3" >H</option>
<option value="DTC0D00655D09F2" >I</option>
<option value="DTCPTXWL9MTQY41" >J</option>
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
<P><H3>Search Results</H3></P>
You have searched for: <B><%=Request("TextToSearch")%> on <%=Request("Select")%></B>
Dim strtextToSearch
Dim strselect
Dim strfile
Dim strcmd
strtextToSearch = Request("TextToSearch")
strselect = Request("Select")
'Now, we want to search all of the files
Dim fso
Const ForReading = 1
Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Specify the folder path to search.
Dim FolderToSearch
If strselect = "DTC0B00BD5A3B8B" then
FolderToSearch = "K:\BP2000.log"
strcmd = "%comspec% /Q /C find /I " & Chr(34) & strTexttoSearch & Chr(34) & " " & FolderToSearch & " >K:\output.txt"
strfile = "K:\output.txt"
elseif strselect = "DTC0D0065A9FEE1" then
FolderToSearch = "L:\BP2000.log"
strcmd = "%comspec% /Q /C find /I " & Chr(34) & strTexttoSearch & Chr(34) & " " & FolderToSearch & " >L:\output.txt"
strfile = "L:\output.txt"
elseif strselect = "DTC0D0065EFC8FE" then
FolderToSearch = "M:\BP2000.log"
strcmd = "%comspec% /Q /C find /I " & Chr(34) & strTexttoSearch & Chr(34) & " " & FolderToSearch & " >M:\output.txt"
strfile = "M:\output.txt"
response.write "File does not exist!"
end if
Dim oWSH
Set oWSH= Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
oWSH.Run strcmd, 0, True
set oWSH = nothing
Call getinfo(strfile)
Function getinfo(strfile)
IF fso.FileExists(strfile) THEN
response.write "file exists" & "<br>"
Set objTextStream = fso.OpenTextFile(strfile,ForReading)
'Read the content
strFileContents = objTextStream.ReadAll
Response.Write "<B>" & strFileContents & "</B>"
response.write "Please wait on file to be created."
WScript.sleep 20
Call getinfo(strfile)
End If
End Function
'Destroy the objects
Set objTextStream = Nothing
' Set objFolder = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
<center><a href="search.asp">Back</a></center>