I am trying to read from a delimited text file in ZOC. The file example that I am trying to read is:
dn= ie...2000 2001 2002
name= ie...Tom,Williams Gary,Johnson Marty,Wilson
CALL ZocSend dn ie...2000
CALL ZocSend name ie...Tom,Williams
CALL ZocSend dn ie...2001
CALL ZocSend name ie...Garu, Johnson
It needs to read from the file and loop until all the DN and NAMES are entered.
Is that possible with REXX?
dn= ie...2000 2001 2002
name= ie...Tom,Williams Gary,Johnson Marty,Wilson
CALL ZocSend dn ie...2000
CALL ZocSend name ie...Tom,Williams
CALL ZocSend dn ie...2001
CALL ZocSend name ie...Garu, Johnson
It needs to read from the file and loop until all the DN and NAMES are entered.
Is that possible with REXX?