I am trying to read a file - get the value from field1 and query the db. This part works. But some records are not found in db, and some records in csv are blank.
Problem is: instead of skipping the blanks or records not found, script uses last found relProductID when inserting in db.
Please help.
Option Explicit
dim db, iim1, sql, rs, res, sql2
dim myname, mypath, connstring
dim iret, result
Dim objFSO, objFile, strNewText, strDescr, strProdID, strImg, strSpec, strRel, arrFields, relProductID, strModel
' database connection
set db = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
db.Open("DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver}; SERVER=localhost;PORT=3306;DATABASE=dbname; UID=root; PASSWORD=; OPTION=3")
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
' save file to DB icecat_product_related
Dim objFile4
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile4 = objFSO.OpenTextFile("D:\related.csv", ForReading)
'Output to sql file
Dim objFile3
Set objFile3 = objFSO.OpenTextFile("D:\related.sql", ForWriting, true)
do until objFile4.AtEndOfStream
arrFields = Split(objFile4.ReadLine,vbTab,2)
if Ubound(arrFields)>=1 then
strProdID = Replace(arrFields(0),Chr(34), "")
strModel = Replace(arrFields(1),Chr(34), "")
sql = "SELECT products_id FROM products WHERE products_model='" & strModel & "'"
set strRel = db.Execute(sql)
if isNull(strRel("products_id"))=false then
while not strRel.eof
relProductID = strRel("products_id")
sql2 = "INSERT INTO icecat_product_related (product_related_id,product_id) VALUES(" & relProductID & "," & strProdID & ")"
end if
'set rsrel = db.Execute(sql2)
objFile3.WriteLine sql2
end if
objFile3.Close 'output sql
Problem is: instead of skipping the blanks or records not found, script uses last found relProductID when inserting in db.
Please help.
Option Explicit
dim db, iim1, sql, rs, res, sql2
dim myname, mypath, connstring
dim iret, result
Dim objFSO, objFile, strNewText, strDescr, strProdID, strImg, strSpec, strRel, arrFields, relProductID, strModel
' database connection
set db = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
db.Open("DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver}; SERVER=localhost;PORT=3306;DATABASE=dbname; UID=root; PASSWORD=; OPTION=3")
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
' save file to DB icecat_product_related
Dim objFile4
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile4 = objFSO.OpenTextFile("D:\related.csv", ForReading)
'Output to sql file
Dim objFile3
Set objFile3 = objFSO.OpenTextFile("D:\related.sql", ForWriting, true)
do until objFile4.AtEndOfStream
arrFields = Split(objFile4.ReadLine,vbTab,2)
if Ubound(arrFields)>=1 then
strProdID = Replace(arrFields(0),Chr(34), "")
strModel = Replace(arrFields(1),Chr(34), "")
sql = "SELECT products_id FROM products WHERE products_model='" & strModel & "'"
set strRel = db.Execute(sql)
if isNull(strRel("products_id"))=false then
while not strRel.eof
relProductID = strRel("products_id")
sql2 = "INSERT INTO icecat_product_related (product_related_id,product_id) VALUES(" & relProductID & "," & strProdID & ")"
end if
'set rsrel = db.Execute(sql2)
objFile3.WriteLine sql2
end if
objFile3.Close 'output sql