What is the most efficient way to read all records in a table frame on a form. Form with a parent & child (1 to many)tables. Child is setup as a table frame(QITable) with multiple records(QIRecord). Based on the production step field(QIStep), I want to accumulate information in various total fields. QIStep can contain multiples of the same type. example: QIStep = Angle, 3 different records because of 3 different sizes (Size part of key). example of data: Angle, size1, $10; Angle, size2, $8; Angle, size3, $6; Cut, size1, $5; Cut, size2, $4; Hole, size1, $3. I need to total all Angles, all Cuts, all Holes displayed in child tableframe. I cna't use a sum field because it totals Angles, Cuts and Holes as one total.