I have a reactor lisp obtained from another website, (author was not given) It works great for attributes but I am trying to figure out how to use it for plain text in a block as well. Any ideas how this can be modified to rotate the text and attributes back to zero? below is the code.
(defun Attributs_ini(Rea Cde)
(setq dernier_ent (entlast))
(defun Attributs_rot_0(Rea Cde / bl js i n)
((eq (car Cde) "EXECUTETOOL")
(setq js (ssget "_L"))
((eq (car Cde) "ROTATE")
(setq js (ssget "_p"))
((eq (car Cde) "MIRROR")
(setq js (ssget "_p"))
((eq (car Cde) "GRIP_ROTATE")
(setq js (cadr (ssgetfirst)))
((eq (car Cde) "GRIP_MIROR")
(setq js (cadr (ssgetfirst)))
; ((eq (car Cde) "INSERT")
; (setq js (ssadd))
; (ssadd (entlast) js)
; )
; ((eq (car Cde) "COPY")
; (setq js (ssadd) n (entnext dernier_ent))
; (while n
; (ssadd n js)
; (setq n (entnext n))
; )
; )
; ((eq (car Cde) "UCS")
; (setq js (ssget "x" (list (cons 0 "INSERT"))))
; )
(if js
(setq n 0)
(while (ssname js n)
(setq bl (entget (ssname js n)))
(if (eq (cdr (assoc 0 bl)) "INSERT")
(if (cdr (assoc 66 bl))
(while (not (eq (cdr (assoc 0 bl)) "SEQEND"))
(if (eq (cdr (assoc 0 bl)) "ATTRIB")
(setq bl (subst (cons 50 0) (assoc 50 bl) bl))
(entmod bl)
(entupd (cdr (assoc -1 bl)))
(setq bl (entget (entnext (cdr (assoc -1 bl)))))
(setq n (1+ n))
(defun c:srot0(/ i j n)
(if (setq i (vlr-reactors :vlr-Command-Reactor))
(setq n 1 i (nth n (car i)))
(while i
(setq j nil)
(if (or (eq (cdr (car (vlr-reactions i))) 'ATTRIBUTS_ROT_0) (eq (cdr (car (vlr-reactions i))) 'ATTRIBUTS_INI))
(setq j i)
(if j
(vlr-remove j)
(setq n (1+ n))
(if (setq i (vlr-reactors :vlr-Command-Reactor))
(setq i (nth n (car i)))
(if mrea_rot0
(princ "\n\tDisable angle 0 of the Attributes")
(setq mrea_rot nil)
(defun c:rot0()
(if (not mrea_rot0)
(vlr-command-reactor nil '((:vlr-commandwillstart . Attributs_ini)))
(setq mrea_rot0 (vlr-command-reactor nil '((:vlr-commandEnded . Attributs_rot_0))))
(princ "\n\tEnable angle 0 of the Attributes")
(princ "\n\tAngle 0 of the Attributes is ready")
(princ (strcat "\n\tFor enable angle 0 of the Attributes, command ROT0.\n\tfor backward, command SROT0."))