I've had a very strange occurrence over the last couple of days, one of the tables in my database is becoming corrupt, what appears to happen is that although I can select information from it via query analyzer, I'm not able to access via any other means, i.e. through an application or via enterprise manager. I noticed that if I try to access via enterprise manager I get a time out error, this very unusual. I not sure what is causing this, its almost as if a transaction is not completing properly. I have tried re-starting the services and killing all connections to the database but this doesn't seem to work, I've also tried dropping and rebuilding indexes but this doesn't work either. In the end I'm having to rebuild the table and import the data. Has anyone ever seen anything like this, can anyone offer any advice as to why this might happen, I'm eager to see your replies!
I've had a very strange occurrence over the last couple of days, one of the tables in my database is becoming corrupt, what appears to happen is that although I can select information from it via query analyzer, I'm not able to access via any other means, i.e. through an application or via enterprise manager. I noticed that if I try to access via enterprise manager I get a time out error, this very unusual. I not sure what is causing this, its almost as if a transaction is not completing properly. I have tried re-starting the services and killing all connections to the database but this doesn't seem to work, I've also tried dropping and rebuilding indexes but this doesn't work either. In the end I'm having to rebuild the table and import the data. Has anyone ever seen anything like this, can anyone offer any advice as to why this might happen, I'm eager to see your replies!