Morning, Thanks for both your responses, regarding the above problem.
I did all of your suggestions, but am still encountering problems! The only time the procedure executes okay, happens when I open and view the procedure itself, click anywhere in the code (I don't add anything to the code!), and then run the procedure.
On re-entering the db, am still getting 'application errors' which close the db down.
My code is as follows:
Private Sub Update_Click()
Dim sCaseNo As String
On Error GoTo Err_Update_Click: 'If an error occurs, refer to Error Handler.
sCaseNo = Me.CaseNo
Me.AllowEdits = True 'Set "my" (ie the form's) 'Allow Edits' property to 'Yes'.
Me.AllowAdditions = True 'Set "my" (ie the form's) 'AllowAdditions' property to 'Yes'.
Call Update_Dates(sCaseNo)
Me.AllowEdits = False 'Set "my" (ie the form's) 'Allow Edits' property to 'Yes'.
Me.AllowAdditions = False 'Set "my" (ie the form's) 'AllowAdditions' property to 'Yes'.
Exit_Update_Click: 'Exit out of 'Update' procedure.
Exit Sub
Err_Update_Click: 'Error Handler.
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Update_Click
End Sub
Sub Update_Dates(sCaseNo As String)
Dim db As Database
Dim sMySql As String
Dim rstInitiation As Recordset
On Error GoTo Error_Update_Dates
sMySql = "SELECT InitiationDate FROM tblInitiation WHERE CaseNo = "
sMySql = sMySql & "'" & sCaseNo & "';"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rstInitiation = db.OpenRecordset(sMySql)
With rstInitiation
' If caseno thenMe.ProvDateCalc, Me.DefDateCalc
If Not .EOF Then
Debug.Print , .Fields("InitiationDate"
Me.ProvDateCalc = DateAdd("m", 9, .Fields("InitiationDate")
Me.DefDateCalc = DateAdd("m", 15, .Fields("InitiationDate")
End If
End With
Exit_Update_Dates: 'Exit out of 'Update' procedure.
Exit Sub
What do you, fynder, anyone else suggest? (Do U think the error may lie with the '.OpenRecordset(sMySql)' for example?
Please help!
Cheers, Magnetar!!
I did all of your suggestions, but am still encountering problems! The only time the procedure executes okay, happens when I open and view the procedure itself, click anywhere in the code (I don't add anything to the code!), and then run the procedure.
On re-entering the db, am still getting 'application errors' which close the db down.
My code is as follows:
Private Sub Update_Click()
Dim sCaseNo As String
On Error GoTo Err_Update_Click: 'If an error occurs, refer to Error Handler.
sCaseNo = Me.CaseNo
Me.AllowEdits = True 'Set "my" (ie the form's) 'Allow Edits' property to 'Yes'.
Me.AllowAdditions = True 'Set "my" (ie the form's) 'AllowAdditions' property to 'Yes'.
Call Update_Dates(sCaseNo)
Me.AllowEdits = False 'Set "my" (ie the form's) 'Allow Edits' property to 'Yes'.
Me.AllowAdditions = False 'Set "my" (ie the form's) 'AllowAdditions' property to 'Yes'.
Exit_Update_Click: 'Exit out of 'Update' procedure.
Exit Sub
Err_Update_Click: 'Error Handler.
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Update_Click
End Sub
Sub Update_Dates(sCaseNo As String)
Dim db As Database
Dim sMySql As String
Dim rstInitiation As Recordset
On Error GoTo Error_Update_Dates
sMySql = "SELECT InitiationDate FROM tblInitiation WHERE CaseNo = "
sMySql = sMySql & "'" & sCaseNo & "';"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rstInitiation = db.OpenRecordset(sMySql)
With rstInitiation
' If caseno thenMe.ProvDateCalc, Me.DefDateCalc
If Not .EOF Then
Debug.Print , .Fields("InitiationDate"
Me.ProvDateCalc = DateAdd("m", 9, .Fields("InitiationDate")
Me.DefDateCalc = DateAdd("m", 15, .Fields("InitiationDate")
End If
End With
Exit_Update_Dates: 'Exit out of 'Update' procedure.
Exit Sub
What do you, fynder, anyone else suggest? (Do U think the error may lie with the '.OpenRecordset(sMySql)' for example?
Please help!
Cheers, Magnetar!!