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May 28, 2000
Hi,<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;As we are developing a Financial Package<br>we have been using the RDO to connect our<br>database (ORACLE 7.3) now we want to more<br>to ADO but not disturbing the earlier development<br>done in RDO.<br>For the new enhancements in our product in the<br>future we have plans to go for ADO.Is it<br>Possible to achieve like this.Should we have<br>another connection for ADO.How do we achieve this.<br>Hope my question is clear.<br>Kindly give some solution on this,<br>It is very urgent.<br><br><br>Thanks in advance<br>Motto<br>
Hi,<br>I still don't get what you meant. can you be more specific?<br>Are you planning to using ADO and replacing the RDO or use both of them in your program?
Hi,<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I will not touch my existing RDO stuff<br>I want my future programs to work in ADO.<br>That's my question.<br>How do i do it.<br><br>Thanks in advance<br>Motto
Hi Motto,<br><br>First you should add ADO reference in your app. In project references list, search the M's and mark Microsoft ActiveX Data Object 2.* Library. Also mark the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Recordset 2.* Library.<br><br>If you're using Windows2000 then the latest version of ADO should be ADO 2.5.<br><br>Second, open the project component list and check the Microsoft ADO Data Control 6.* (OLEDB). This is the data control you can use to manipulate data.<br><br>After that, you can start build connection to your database.<br>You can access database through ODBC or using OLEDB Provider (make sure you choose the right provider).<br><br>Here some example of open ADODB connection using SQL Server provider :<br><br>'-------------------------------------<br>Dim cnt As New ADODB.Connection<br><br>cnt.ConnectionString = &quot;Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;PWD=; Initial Catalog=Test;Data Source=ONE&quot;<br><br>cnt.Open<br>'-------------------------------------<br>&quot;Data Source&quot; above is the server name,<br>&quot;Initial Catalog&quot; is the database name.<br>The value of cnt.ConnectionString can be different, depend on the selected provider.<br><br>Usually I work with SQL Server, not Oracle. If you wish to connect to Oracle then choose MSDAORA as OLEDB provider.<br><br><br>hope this helps.<br><br>Good luck!<br><br>oneshadow<br>
How is your Oracle licensing set up?&nbsp;&nbsp;If your license is set up per connection, then you have doubled your costs.&nbsp;&nbsp;I have heard that these licenses are not cheap.
By the way, motto, the advice oneshadow gave you was good, but a couple things you should know:<br><br>If you reference the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library then you should not reference the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Recordset 2.5 Library.&nbsp;&nbsp;The second is a subset of the first, which only has the Recordset object.&nbsp;&nbsp;The first has Recordset, Connection, Record, Command, etc.&nbsp;&nbsp;The Recordset library is good if you are passing recordsets to a middle tier, but not using any other ADO objects.&nbsp;&nbsp;It makes the client install lighter.&nbsp;&nbsp;You would then use it INSTEAD of the other library.&nbsp;&nbsp;Since it sounds like you need a Connection object, you should reference Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library, but not the Recordset library.<br><br>Also, under Components, only add the Microsoft ADO Data Control 6.* (OLEDB) component if you are using bound controls on your forms.&nbsp;&nbsp;If you are using code to read data and then populating the fields in code, you do not need a reference to this component.<br><br>Steve
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