Curious to know what you've done to implement compliance with Ray Baum's.
What phone systems are you covering? CM/IPOffice? We have CM8.1 (a couple SIP phones otherwise all H323, Digital, analog), IPOffice systems with digital phones and some old Nortel BCM and MICS (which I am not familiar with) and I'm being told the Nortel systems will not integrate with any solution.
What solution did you go with?
Any issues/pitfalls/challenges during/after implementation?
We're looking at implementing RedSky or Sentry. Any +/- to look for if you're using it already?
We're being told that even though Sentry is location based, that we can add details for an extension down to the cube location, have you been able to do this?
What's been your level of effort to keep the extension/location information up-to-date?
Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide.
- Stinney
“The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life.” - Confucius