Having recently had the oppertunity to play with the new report components that ship with Delphi 7 (and i presume 8 as well) I was not very impressed.
I know that Quick Reports have had problems in the past, but really - are Rave reports Borlands answer to the problem ?
In particular,I found the interface very awkward to use. Perhaps if I got the oppertunity to get more familiar with it - I would become convinced, Im not sure.
It also prompts me to ask you guys - which reporting tool you prefer ? I know that Fastreports have had a pretty good press.. do any suggestions would be much appreciated (for not I am still using Delphi 6 and quick reports.)
I know that Quick Reports have had problems in the past, but really - are Rave reports Borlands answer to the problem ?
In particular,I found the interface very awkward to use. Perhaps if I got the oppertunity to get more familiar with it - I would become convinced, Im not sure.
It also prompts me to ask you guys - which reporting tool you prefer ? I know that Fastreports have had a pretty good press.. do any suggestions would be much appreciated (for not I am still using Delphi 6 and quick reports.)