I use Crystal Report and Enterprise 10, French version unmanaged RAS on Win2k/IIS5/ASP(vbscript).
When I create a report and load it with the open method of ReportClientDocument object, it takes a lot of time to load. I made some tests with multiple home-made reports and Crystal sample reports with the "save datas with report" option off and it seems to take about 10 seconds to load for each report and sub-reports. It means that if I create a report containing 6 sub-reports, the report will take about 70s to load. Strange, isn't it ?
Any one know why it's so slow ?
I paste my code below :
Geeks are people who thinks that a kilometer is 1024 meters long.
I use Crystal Report and Enterprise 10, French version unmanaged RAS on Win2k/IIS5/ASP(vbscript).
When I create a report and load it with the open method of ReportClientDocument object, it takes a lot of time to load. I made some tests with multiple home-made reports and Crystal sample reports with the "save datas with report" option off and it seems to take about 10 seconds to load for each report and sub-reports. It means that if I create a report containing 6 sub-reports, the report will take about 70s to load. Strange, isn't it ?
Any one know why it's so slow ?
I paste my code below :
Dim objObjectFactory,objClientDoc
' set the factory object
Set objObjectFactory = _ Server.CreateObject("CrystalReports10.ObjectFactory.1")
' set the client doc object
Set objClientDoc = _ objObjectFactory.CreateObject("CrystalClientDoc.ReportClientDocument")
' open report : it is here that it takes 70s.
objClientDoc.Open "myreport.rpt"
Geeks are people who thinks that a kilometer is 1024 meters long.