I was able to get connected to the ras server and after I got authenicated and just when it comes to the registering the computer in the network I got this error 718 time out
the process has been terminated becuse the remote server did not response in the approperiate time .
from this error I assumed there is some setting to extend the time out for negotiation either in server or client if you have any idea guys can you tell me what is the problem and if you agree with me do you have any idea any Registry key I can change to remady this problem .Thanks
the process has been terminated becuse the remote server did not response in the approperiate time .
from this error I assumed there is some setting to extend the time out for negotiation either in server or client if you have any idea guys can you tell me what is the problem and if you agree with me do you have any idea any Registry key I can change to remady this problem .Thanks