Partner ACS: Ok, so I understand the slow loud clicking when I monitor a station is the MW indicator. Got that part.
I am now getting complaints of a rapid faint clicking on line port 12 last 400E module in a 5 slot. It is not the line, I changed the 400E module out and the rapid clicking is still there. Any idea what could be the problem?
The Phone Doctor
Las Vegas, NV USA
"You're Never Alone When You're Near A Phone!"
...Lily Tomlin
a/k/a "Ernestine
I am now getting complaints of a rapid faint clicking on line port 12 last 400E module in a 5 slot. It is not the line, I changed the 400E module out and the rapid clicking is still there. Any idea what could be the problem?
The Phone Doctor
Las Vegas, NV USA
"You're Never Alone When You're Near A Phone!"
...Lily Tomlin
a/k/a "Ernestine